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祷告或思考,随你便。Think or pray.

为王兰祷告。Pray for Wang Lan.

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要有耐心和祷告。Be patient and pray.

我们正奉祂的名祷告。So in His name we pray.

她叹息地说出祷告词。She sighed out a prayer.

所以,你祷告的时候,要放松。So, when you pray, relax.

我们让斯潘赛作谢饭祷告。We asked Spencer to pray.

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你应该为什么祷告?What should you pray for?

那是我为你的祷告。That is my prayer for you.

教宗就和平向天主献上祷告。He prayed to God for peace.

我们的祷告是奉耶稣基督的名求。We pray this in Jesus name.

以利沙再次祷告神。A second time Elisha prayed.

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忙乱对祷告是致命的。Hurry is the death of prayer.

那孩子囗齿不清地祷告。The child lisped his prayers.

你可以祷告,也可以惊慌。You can either pray or panic.

你将用阅读来代替祷告。In place of praying, you read.

为有效的门徒训练祷告。Pray for effective discipling.

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为短宣训练的准备祷告。Pray for our mission training.

当你祷告时,要动你的脚。When you pray, move your feet.

你祷告,但毫无动静。You pray, but nothing happens.