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厕所里一尘不染,悄然无声。The room was spotless and silent.

你醒来时间已经悄然无声地溜走。You wake up and time has slipped away.

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现代潜艇的航行是悄然无声的。Modern submarines are very, very quiet.

跟踪野竖动物必鸯悄然无声。Tracking wild animals requires stealth.

灾害风险的累积是悄然无声的。The risk of disaster quietly accumulates.

老师悄然无声地开了门。The teacher opened the door without a sound.

跟踪野生动物必须悄然无声。Tracking wild animals requires great stealth.

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屋子里悄然无声,只有年轻人的笔匆忙划过纸页。Nothing was heard in the room but the hurrying pen of the stripling.

但是其他动物却通常听不见老虎的声音,因为这个大猫移动起来是那样地小心谨慎,悄然无声。But other animals usually don't hear tigers because huge cats move so carefully and silently.

进斋时悄然无声,餐桌上有扁豆汤、鱼、色拉、酒和面包。Dinner is usually a silent time. But one can find haricot soup, fish, salad and wine and bread.

甚至有人猜测这可能是悄然无声进入地球上空的外星飞碟。Somebody even guessed that this may be the alien flying disks which enter the earth atmosphere quietly.

倾听这片土地,此处的公共空间显得悄然无声,莫非是因为国人终于内化?And we are all too familiar with the dispiriting silence in Singapore. The public space here has gone all quiet.

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让我俩静静守候,不要惊动这美丽的黄昏,就让这轻盈的感觉,如天籁、似流云,悄然无声。Let silence be our company, stir not this lovely dusk. Let the lightearted feeling be quiet as nature and clouds.

圣诞树上的雪花,悄然无声地飘落,远处悠扬的钟声,开启着你我的心扉,让爱酒满人间。Snow on a Christmas tree, quiet down, the distant melodious bell, open you my heart, let love wine filled with earth.

春节树上的雪花,悄然无声地飘落,远处悠扬的钟声,开启着你我的心扉,让幸福洒满人间。祝新年快乐!The Spring Festival, the snow falls away quietly, melodious bell, open your heart, let me happiness shining. may earth. Happy New Year!

有时,阳光透过参天大树撒向大地,这时你漫步其间,就会看到略带白、绿、金三色的光影悄然无声地覆盖了林中大片土地。Sometimes you walk among the huge trees where the sunlight filters through. Its quiet and big, with touches of white and green and gold.

多少个夜晚,当更深人静,当整个世界悄然无声,它总是从我自己的心底涌起,以它可怕的回响加深那使我发狂的恐惧。Many a night, just at midnight, when all the world slept, it has welled up from my own bosom, deepening, with its dreadful echo, the terrors that distracted me.

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有随着有礼貌而又小心地逐渐退出的男仆而敞开的大人物的栎木门。还有牙医女助手富于同情而悄然无声地打开的手术室的门,她一声不吭,暗示医生已经在等你了。There is the sympathetic and awful silence of the dentist's maid who opens the door into the operating room, and , without speaking, implies that the doctor is ready for you.

爱莉诺娜·马士基号的船长室里写这篇文章,这艘船是全球最大的集装箱船之一,正穿过中国南海驶离越南海岸线,悄然无声。I WRITE from the pilot's cabin of one of the world's largest container ships, the Eleonora Maersk, moving almost imperceptibly through the South China Sea off the Vietnamese coast.