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苍松翠柏郁郁葱葱。Green and luxuriant are the pines and cypresses.

苍松翠柏,常绿不凋。The pine and the cypress remain green all the year round.

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他高尚的品格好比苍松翠柏,万古长青。Like pines and cypresses, his qualities are forever great.

峰峦峭壁,隐现于苍松翠柏之中。Mountainous cliffs, looming in among the pines and cypresses.

整个墓地在苍松翠柏环抱中,庄严肃穆。The entire cemetery in Cangsong Cuibai surrounded in solemn silence.

河道两岸苍松翠柏,石山绵连,云雾缭绕。The river is accompanied by evergreen pines, hill ranges and wreathing mist.

这里满山遍野都是郁郁葱葱的苍松翠柏和引人入胜的奇花异草。Fill the fields here are the green and luxuriant pines and Calocedrus attractive plants.

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飞瀑流泉和苍松翠柏又把你带回大自然的怀抱之中。Feibao Artesian Bore Baths Calocedrus pines and then you back into the embrace of nature.

龙洞庵背依高山,坐北面南,掩映于苍松翠柏之中。The Longdong Nunnery hidden in pines and cypresses, backs on to the mountain and faces south.

这里有苍松翠柏,有潺潺溪流,有丰富的石油、煤炭,也有闻名遐迩的名山大川。There are Cangsong cypresses, a gurgling streams, is rich in oil, coal, but also the world famous mountains.

在历史上,盘古潭边曾苍松翠柏,高达数丈,游人咏其“潭波击碎月,松柏卷青天”。" Historically, the Formosan cypress pine Tanbian had, up to Shuo Zhang, visitors Wing its "Tan-wave smashed the month, Pine volume blue sky.

各种藏式小木屋掩映于苍松翠柏之中,多种珍贵动物栖息在林间,尤其以鸟类繁多而著称。Various Tibetan Cuibai cabins are nestled in the pines, a variety of rare animals in the forest habitat, in particular, is well-known for many birds.

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泰陵的神道,由三层巨砖铺成,两边苍松翠柏,从南往北分布着40多项大大小小的建筑。Tailing of Shinto, from three huge brick paved, cypress pine on both sides, from south to north is dotted with more than 40 large and small buildings.

上万株苍松翠柏,使位于北京市中心古老的天坛公园成为城区内最大的“肺”。Thousands of pine trees in the Temple of Heaven, an ancient architecture in central Beijing as shown in the picture, become the largest "lung" in the city proper.

柔和的阳光斜挂在苍松翠柏不凋的枝叶上,显得那么安静肃穆,冬季的脚步是那么轻起轻落,时尚人士们的心中却是那么的激动与思绪波涌。Gentle sunshine on the pine branches and leaves looks so quiet and solemn. The pace of winter is so light, while fashion icons are so excited with their thoughts surge.

药岭山山势挺拔险峻,怪石嶙峋,山中苍松翠柏、郁郁葱葱,山顶云雾系腰,置身此地如人间天堂。Drug Shan mountain range tall and straight in a critical situation, craggy rocks, Calocedrus pines in the mountains, the lush, cloud top line back, stay here as a paradise on earth.

苍松翠柏掩映的华中科技大学的校园里,我们迫切的求学之心,CCMTC的盛情款待,为八月的武汉更添一分热情。The green pines and jade cypress in Huazhong University of Science and Technology's campus, our urgent studying heart and CCMTC entertaining lavishly add more enthusiasm for August's Wuhan.