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由套接字调用和套接字参数创建一个监听器。Make a listener by calling socket with socket args.

辉县方言共有声母21个,基本韵母47个,单字调5个。There are 21 initials, 47 finals and 5 tones in Huixian dialect.

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第三部分,巴基斯坦留学生双字调的实验分析。The third part is the experimental analysis of Pakistani students' double words tone.

因此,可以说字调对语调的影响并不明显。Therefore, we can say the tones of Chinese characters do not obviously affect intonation.

以及声调变体的基本情况,分为双字调和三字调。The intonation anomalous form's basic situation divides into the double word well distributed three tones.

该算法特别适用于窄带数字调角信号的功率谱计算。The method is especially suited to calculate the power spectrum of narrow-band digital angle-modulated signal.

该系统包括数据采集、字滤波、据转换、字调零和校准等模块。The system includes the modules of data acquiring, digital filtering, data conversion, digital zeroing and adjusting.

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第二章具体分析了吴江黎里、松陵、同里和芦墟四地的单字调,列出了归一后的单字调格局并把之与先前的记录做了比较。The second chapter analyses the tones of Lili, Songling, Tongli and Luqu, four main towns in Wujiang, and compares it with the records made before.

本文以吴江话声调为研究对象,采用实验语音学的方法,得出了较为客观的单字调格局并分析了送气调的产生原因。This thesis studies the tones of Wujiang dialect by means of acoustic experiments, gets a more objective conclusion and analyses the cause of tonal split.

本文借助实验手段和声学实验数据,对北海市区白话的单字调和双字调情况进行分析。For this reason, This paper explore the mono-syllable tone and bi-sylable tone of Baihua in Guangxi Beihai urban area from the viewpoint of experimental method.

文中将模拟调压器的传递函数进行数字化,得到了可以应用于数字调压器的控制算法。The transfer function of the analog voltage regulator is converted into discrete time mode, so that the corresponding digital control algorithm can be obtained.

现代汉语的双音节词语连读变调以字调为书面标示形式,影响了学习者视觉认读与听觉接受的一致。Modern Chinese double-syllable word courses attempt to transfer marker for the written form, which influences the unanimity of learners' visual reading and hearing.

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朗读的语调是语流中呈现出来的音高变化的总体模式,它与字调、轻重、停连、快慢等因素有关。In the words flow, the reading intonation, which is related to tone, degree, stop and linking, speed and other factors, is the general pattern of the pitch variation.

双字调中阴平、阳平和上声三者相混淆,是巴基斯坦留学生习得汉语双字调的难点所在。What's more, the first, second and third tones are easily confused among Pakistani students, which is the key problem for them while acquiring Chinese bisyllabic-tone.

笔者运用语音实验的研究方法,考察了大连方言声调新、老两派的单字调和双字调在调长方面的声学特征。By employing the method of Experimental Phonetics, the author explores the properties of tonal duration of Dalian dialect, based on acoustic data of the old and the new generations.

由于历史固享和自然环境的影响,致使壶关方言具有很丰富的内容。和北京话比较,在语音上该县方言分尖团音,古精组、知庄章组字声母有着差异,单字调有七个声调,等等。Due to the influence of historical reasons and natural environment, Huguan dialect is very rich in content Compared with Beijing dialect, it has some difference in several pronunciation and tones.