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木炭可以吸附有色的液体。Charcoal can adsorb colored liquids.

然后把软木塞放进盛满有色水的瓶颈里。A cork fits into the neck of a bottle.

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一个白色文化和一个有色文化。A white culture and a colored culture.

复印机又没有色粉料。The photocopier is out of toner again.

对混纺和有色衣服,应使用氧漂白剂。For blends and colors, use an oxygen bleach.

同时,应使用攀岩专用的有色不袗。Rock coloured stainless steel should be used.

颜料是不能溶解的有色物质。He obtained discrete bands of colour materials.

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中国有色集团于1998年在赞比亚做出第一笔投资。CNMC made its first investment in Zambia in 1998.

分内有色罩或两色相配,外白鲨透明两层。It has colored domes inside and clear domes outside.

飞机头式外形,有色外罩。Shape likes as the head of plane, domes are colored.

如果你小于40岁,那么尽量避免使用有色面霜。If you're 40 or better, forget the tinted moisturizer.

但这可以容易恢复用有色封箱机。But this can be easily restored by using a colored sealer.

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这是通过管一端的有色玻璃碎片。Made by fragments of colored glass at one end of the tube.

知道酿酒商为什么用有色玻璃瓶装酒吗?One of the reasons why vintners use colored glass bottles?

这副地图上,不同的人口密度具有不同的有色指示符。The map has color-coded indicators for population density.

有色论坛,有色最早的网络交流平台!Yousebbs, The earliest youse network communication platform.

它们在视野中物象周围,产生有色环纹。And they produce colored fringes around objects in the field.

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许多有香有色的花又将来到你这里,呵,世界!More flowers will come to you with perfume and pride, O world!

涤纶有色纱在本周市场交易量偏少。Terylene colored yarns in market trading volume low this week.

许多有香有色的花又将来到你这里,呵,世界!More flowers will come to you with perfume and pride, Oh world!