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它们互相争奇斗艳,共同推动了东晋小说的繁荣。All these pushed story of Eastern Jin to a boom.

东晋太元年间,有个武陵人以捕鱼作为职业。Jin is too yuan, Wuling people fishing for the industry.

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“竹林七贤”之名大约起源于东晋时期,或称“竹林名士”。The name of Zhulin Qixian was named in East Jin Dynasty.

东晋国家严格控制征讨都督的设置权力。The setting power was strictly controlled by the country.

后秦收留反对刘裕的政敌,企图干涉东晋事务给刘裕以借口。Hou-Qin also attempted to interfere Liu by protecting his enemies.

东晋年间,武陵有一个老渔夫。During the Eastern Jin Dynasty, there was an old fisherman in Wuling.

东晋国家设置的都督诸州军事与将军职有密切的关系。Commander-in-chief that Eastern Jin set up has intimate relations with generals.

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李充是东晋著名文学家、文论家、目录学家。Li Chong was a famous writer, literature critic and bibliographer in DongJin Dynasty.

在东晋、刘宋时期发展到高潮,齐梁以后随着山水诗的发展逐渐趋向消歇。The Landscape-Fu were on the peak of development when DongTsin and LiuSung dynasties.

前秦是东晋十六国时期惟一统一了北方,且政治较为清明、最具有规模气度的一个政权。Among sixteen kingdoms of Eastern Jin, PRE Qin was the only kingdom liberal in politics.

东晋诗僧的出现,忽如一夜春风来。The appearance of poet monks was just like "the spring wind arriving suddenly overnight".

慧远是东晋中后期继道安之后的一代佛学大师。Hui Yuan was a great Buddhist scholar in mid-late period of East Jin Dynasty after Dao An.

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找到了流民帅,才终于找到了东晋通往南朝的历史之门。Found displaced Shuai, finally found the history of the Eastern Jin Dynasty door leading to.

王羲之是中国东晋时代一个很有名的书法家,他从小就刻苦练字,从不间断,以后又吸取了各个不同书法派的优点,形成他自己独特的个性。Wang Xi-zhi is one of the most famous calligraphers during the Eastern Jin Dynasty of China.

东晋时期,中观般若理论在中国达到高峰。In the period of East Jin Dynasty, the Buddhist theory of intuitive wisdom prevails in China.

东晋南朝时代,侨州郡县普遍设置乃至成为一种制度。Emigrant state and county were widely set in the Eastern Jin Dynasty and the Southern Dynasty.

东晋南朝国婚研究,有助于揭示东晋南朝政治、士族及其思想变化。The study of them helps to explain the historic change of politics, bachelors and bachelors' ideas.

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东晋文学家、大书家王羲之具有强烈的生命意识。The man of letter and great calligrapher Wang Xizhi in the East Jin Dynasty had a strong awareness of life.

东晋兰亭诗的创作源于一种新的山水审美观念。Lan Ting poetic creation of the Eastern Jin Dynasty dated from a new aesthetic idea of mountains and rivers.

东晋时“大开鼓铸”,使广州历史上第一次出现了冶铁业。Eastern Jin Dynasty, when the "big open drum cast", so the first time in history there Guangzhou Smelting Iron.