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悬空的DNA正在重新连接。The unconnected DNA is being reconnected.

后脚的后方缺少各二只的悬空狼爪。Absence of double dewclaws on each rear leg.

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但在一个悬空议会里,谁有这个能力?But in a hung Parliament, who might that be?

击球手在第一局中就因击出的球被悬空截住而出局。The batsman was caught out in the first rum.

击球手在第一局中就因击出的球被悬空截住而出局。The batsman was caught out in the first run.

北岳恒山的悬空寺更是世间罕见。Bukak Monastery of Hengshan is rare in the world.

一根悬空表演者因为在警车顶部悬空而被逮捕。One planker was arrested for planking on top of a police car.

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从这个照片可以看到,悬空能锻炼强有力得腹肌。As you can see from this photo, planking can build strong abs.

观众朋友们,这悬空寺真是悬啊。Viewer friends, the Xuangkong Temple is indeed very dangerous.

悬空输入和输出是否在某种情况下也能成为有用之物?Can there be cases where dangling inputs and outputs make sense?

宝相寺被誉为云南“悬空寺”始建于元代。Baoxiang Temple Baoxiang Temple was constructed in the Yuan Dynasty.

双手悬空书桌,十指难落键盘,一心面对,众多选择。With fingers poised over the keyboard, I'm faced with myriad options.

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塔楼阴影交互映衬,一切都似乎高悬空际。So blend the turrets and shadows there that all seems pendulous in air.

所以人们就习惯性地称它为悬空寺。So people also customarily call it Xuangkong Si instead of Xuankong Guan.

一会儿我们就要去山上的悬空寺学汉语。In a moment, we're going to learn Chinese at Xuankong Temple on the mountain.

悬空表演者要面无表情,头部平伸,不转动。The planker's face must remain expressionless, head held straight, not turned.

悬空指针可能发生在以微妙方式使用内存的代码中。Dangling pointers are likely to arise in code, which uses memory in subtle ways.

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应用系留绳控制方法解决了任务设备的稳定悬空问题。Stable-suspension of mission equipment is settled by using captive rope control.

树条上有许多悬空的枝条,它们能吸收空气中的水份。There are air roots on the branches and they can absorb the moisture from the air.

有一天晚上,王羲之上床睡觉了,还在用手悬空写字。One evening while he was in bed sleeping, his hand was tracing characters in the air.