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孩子太小,不顶事。The child is too young to help.

对我来说这本新词典很顶事。This new dictionary is very useful to me.

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这是极为顶事、消解的方式。This is extremely effective and disarming.

对我来说这本新词典很顶事。This new dictionary is very helpful to me.

一些协定是先发送起码顶事位的。Some protocols send the least significant bit first.

外面非常冷,即使穿上大衣扣上扣子也不顶事。It was freezing out there even in his buttoned-up overcoat.

多穿件毛衣也还顶事。It does serve the purpose to put on another woollen sweater.

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庸医,我吃的药怎么光催眠不顶事呢?Quack, I eat how light hypnotic drugs is not the top at all?

运用分享技巧顶事扶持众多细粒度的对象。Use sharing to support large numbers of fine-grained objects efficiently.

使残疾人可以顶事天加入自在社会。Enabling persons with disabilities to participate effectively in a free society.

当一个人着手彻底干时,不彻底的措施是完全不顶事的。When a man sets about going the big figure, halfway measures won't answer at all.

正是由于这个缘故,大块延续数据的读写要比不继续的几个小块更顶事率。Because of this, large sequential transfers are more efficient than several smaller transfers.

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你那人要真不顶事,我劝你也是早分早好。Your that person wants really a crest matter not, I advise you to also early separate early good.

下面列出了一些最盛行且顶事保卫自己免受各种威迫的免费工具。Here's a list of some of the most popular and effective free tools for defending yourself against a variety of threats.

根据某型教练机襟翼收放系统的具体情况,分析了该系统的可能故障模式,并以襟翼不能放下为顶事件建立了该系统的故障树。The fault modes and system reliability of the flap control system of a certain type of military trainer are studied in the paper.

并用故障树表示故障原因及其传播逻辑关系,从故障树的顶事件至底事件形成故障分析支路,获取的知识以链表的结构存于知识库。The fault analysis branch was formed from top-event to bottom event of fault tree. The knowledge was saved in repository with chain table structure.

故障树的动态分析一般包括底事件参量动态特性求解和在此基础上的顶事件参量动态特性求解。在求?。This paper provides a reasonable evaluation method for the kinetic analysis of basic events which has parameters of the synthetic distribution, too.

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我们的价钱比其余制作商开价优惠得多。这一点你能够从我们的价钱单看到,所有价钱当然要经我方承认后方顶事。Our prices compare most favorably with quotations you can get from other manufacturers. You'll see that from our price sheet. The prices are subject to our confirmation, naturally.