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命运瞬息万变,令人目眩。Fortunes change with dizzy abruptness.

外面世界是瞬息万变的。The objective world is constantly changing.

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生活就如我们所想象那般,眨眼间瞬息万变。Life as we know it can change in the blink of an eye.

期权价格瞬息万变We have prices of options that change minute by minute.

世事瞬息万变,比你设想的要快得多。It can happen fast, and a whole lot sooner than you think.

我们无法接受瞬息万变这一真理,因此我们为之痛苦。Because we cannot accept the truth of transience, we suffer.

事物越是看似瞬息万变,其实它们越是恒久不变。The more things seems to change, the more they seem to stay the same.

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佐利克指出,由于世界形势瞬息万变,因此必须要实行改革。Reform was inevitable as the world was changing so quickly, Zoellick said.

生长于灌溉农地的作物不依赖于天气的瞬息万变。Crops grown on irrigated land are not dependent on the vagaries of the weather.

峰顶比较高,风会很大,天气也是瞬息万变。Summits are higher and can be very windy, and the weather can change on a dime.

政坛风云变幻之迅速如同瞬息万变的电脑游戏。The political landscape was changing as quickly as a fast-moving computer game.

以往的领导技巧讲难以应对当今高速发展瞬息万变的世界。Yesterday's leadership skills will not work in today's fast-moving and evolving world.

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但是当今时代瞬息万变,因此,如果邮政服务想要生存下去,也必须进行变革。But times are changing rapidly now, and so too must the Postal Service if it is to survive.

对瞬息万变的报道题材,报纸可根据电报发送的补充材料出版“特别”版。For fast-moving stories, papers would print "extra" editions with updates sent by telegraph.

这过程可能要花五年时间,在瞬息万变的电脑软件世界,简直是一辈子那么久。This process could take five years, a lifetime in the fast-moving world of computer software.

信息化的时代,瞬息万变的社会已使在学校所接受的教育不可能受用终身。It is impossible for one to adapt to this changing society with the knowledge acquired at school.

他的控球动作瞬息万变,在球上绕拨的左脚好似一根魔杖。His control was instant, while his left foot was like a wand in the spell it cast over a football.

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在这一领域的科技瞬息万变的更加光明的LED的出现似乎几乎每个月。Technology in this field is changing rapidly and ever-brighter LEDs seem to appear almost monthly.

我们生活的世界瞬息万变,信息爆炸的时代在我们呼吸的空气中都能嗅出来。We alll live in such a fast turning world, with exploded information satiating the air we breathe.

如今,在瞬息万变的经济环境中,商家们往往担心他们的顾客会移情别恋。In today's volatile economic environment, companies are understandably worried about their customers.