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这种嫁接植株一般在幼龄期便能盛产种子。The grafted trees generally bear good crops at young ages.

对切除卵巢的幼龄大鼠作本冲剂的雌激素活性实验。Also, an estrogen activity experiment was adopted in some young oophorectomized rats.

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加强中幼龄林抚育管理已是我国林业的紧迫任务。It is emergent task to strengthen the management and tending of cultures in China forests.

以后随着离河道距离的增加,幼龄胡杨所占比例逐渐减小。With increasing distance from the river, the proportion of young trees gradually dwindles.

简要介绍了在幼龄梅园套种南瓜的栽培技术。Cultural techniques of interplanting pumpkin in young plum garden were summarized in this paper.

对紫椴人工幼龄林生长与竞争从静态模型和动态模型系统两方面进行了研究。We used interference model to study individual growth and stand dynamic of Amurlinden plantation.

它们在幼龄期看上去是小小的蠕虫。它们一生的大部分时间都处于生长的过程中。When they are young, they look like tiny worms, and most of their lives are spent in just growing.

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鸡传染性法氏囊病是一种主要危害幼龄鸡的接触性传染病。Infectious bursal disease is an acute and highly contagious disease, which damages mainly young chicken.

对福建马尾松幼龄林、中龄林和成熟林生态系统中各组分的含碳率和碳贮量进行了比较研究。The carbon content and carbon storage of Pinus massoniana Lamb at different growing stages were measured.

幼龄患者的病症包括发烧、泡疹、口疮以及手、脚出现湿疹。The young victims' symptoms include fever, blisters, ulcers in the mouth, and rashes on the hands and feet.

对幼龄虎与成年虎,公虎与母虎作了比较。Comparisons of the reference values were made between adult and young tigers and between male and female ones.

研究了胸腺肽对幼龄雌性小鼠生殖器官指数及性激素水平的影响。To observe the effects of thymosin on reproductive organ exponent and sex hormone levels in young female mice.

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对幼龄和壮龄焉耆马血液生理生化指标进行了测定。This experiment was carried out to study the haemal physiological and biological parameters of the Yanqi horses.

与此相反的是,幼龄儿童没有与H1N1的既往接触史,故而免疫系统无法及时作出反应。The very young children, in contrast, represent the responses of immune systems that have no past history with H1N1.

本文综述了日粮纤维的代谢及对幼龄单胃动物消化功能的影响。The metabolism of dietary fiber and its effect on gut health in young monogastric animals were reviewed in the paper.

虽然通常情况下,身型较小的狗会比大型犬活的时间长,他们在幼龄阶段的几年里会成长得较快。Although smaller dogs tend to live longer than larger dogs, they may mature more quickly in the first few years of life.

目的探讨正常幼龄豚鼠眼巩膜组织毒蕈碱受体五种亚型的表达。Objective To investigate the expression of 5 muscarinic receptor subtypes in the scleral tissue of immature guinea pigs.

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天麻的造粉体最早发生在幼龄细胞内核的附近。The earliest development of the amyloplasts of Gastrodia elata Bl. occur-red round the nucleus of young cells was observed.

最近“一条幼龄鳗鱼其尺寸是普通鳗鱼的很多倍”的发现,可能提供了“深海大毒蛇”故事的依据。The recent discovery of an eel larva many times the size of the common one may furnish a basis for stories of sea serpents.

对高原旱地幼龄果园间作种类、效益及其调控技术进行了详细研究。Intercropping types, their economical benefits, and adjusting techniques of arid young apple orchard in high land were studied.