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他拉丁语的功底很扎实。He is well grounded in Latin.

学室内设计,没有美术功底到底行不行?Interior design school, no art skills in the end work?

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这体现了罗氏深厚的学术功底。This demonstrates the strong academic foundation Roche.

具备文字功底和舞台经验。Writing plays requires master of words and stage experience.

对于我的画画功底,说不上很好,但还是有的。For my painting skills, it can not be very good, but still at stake.

我对英语的终生兴趣和菲薄功底,是在中学时代开始的。My English skill, thinning and lifelong interest in secondary school.

李涛律师具有深厚的理论功底和丰富的实践经验。Lawyer Litao has deep theoretical background and rich practicing experience.

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有较强的文字功底和表现力,思路开阔,富有原创精神。There is a strong master of words and expression, open-minded, full of originality.

全片对电影技法的运用流畅自如,余力为娴熟的摄影功底功不可没。The film is a pretty smooth technical package with crisp cinematography from Yu Lik Wai.

随着作者年龄的增长和写作功底的加深,王安忆的女性意识呈现出明显的变化。With her growing age and written skills, her feministic consciousness has been changing obviously.

具备扎实的专业功底,能够熟练进行化工工艺参数计算。With Solid foundation in academic background and proficiency in calculating chemical procedure data.

不但具备深厚的法学理论功底,而且具有丰富的讼诉和非诉讼业务经验。He possessed not only profound legal theory, but also rich litigation and non-litigation experiences.

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主演张国立再一次显示了他的表演功底,他扮演的曹如器是一个很诡异的人。Zhang Guoli, starring once again showed his good performance, he played as Cao is a very strange person.

造就名医是个系统工程,理论和实践统一才有功底。To train the famous doctors is a systemic program, which needs the combination of the practice and theory.

“三黄鸡”的乐手接触乐器组乐队也有10年的时间,应该说他们有较深的音乐功底与很好的音乐感觉。With 10 years of experiences as a band, they have developed a very good sense and solid foundation for music.

总之,要“知无不言”,向导师展现你扎实的专业功底。Anyhow, should " know word of all without exception " , guide division shows your solid professional strength.

在他的学生生涯里,肖邦熟练的素描功底和诙谐的写作才能很引人注目。In his school years, Chopin was noted to be an accomplished sketch artist and a talented, witty letter-writer.

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有较强手绘功底,对南北植物、园景材料等有较丰富专业知识,有现场施工经验。Strong hand-drawing ability. Great knowledge in Northern and Southern plants and experience in site construction.

狮头和狮尾由两个人操作,他们的动作需要很强的武术功底。The lion head and adjoining tail are operated by two people, and their dance is weighted heavily in martial arts.

四十余年致力于中国画理论和技法研究,潜心绘事,功底深厚。He has being engaged in researching of the theory and skills of traditional Chinese Painting for more than 40 years.