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士兵们浴血奋战,保卫他们的城市,不让侵略者攻进来。The soldiers fought hard to defend the city from the invaders.

南部苏丹人民为了赢得独立,经历了长期的浴血奋战。Southern Sudanese had fought a long, bloody war to win independence.

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⊙、三年的积累与沉淀,只为一朝浴血奋战!Three years of accumulation and precipitation, just for once fought!

经过八年浴血奋战,中国人民终于打败了日本侵略者。After eight years of fighting, the Chinese people at lastdefeated the Japanese invaders.

2010年,美国在战争中变得更坚强,同时也深受浴血奋战的男女军人的激励。In 2010, America is hardened by wars, and inspired by the servicemen and women who fight them.

今天我们要浴血奋战,为了你们在世上所珍惜的一切,一定要奋战到底,西方的人类!This day we fight! By all that you hold dear on this good earth, I bid you stand, Men of the West.

在大革命中浴血奋战挺身过来的人们既可以为了感谢上天的庇佑而经常做礼拜,也可不做。The men who fought the Revolution may have thanked Providence and attended church regularly—or not.

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你难到就忍心看在前线浴血奋战的同胞们,因为缺医少药而白白牺牲么?You have the heart to see the fighting in the front to compatriots, sacrifice in vain for underserved?

烈士们呀,当年你们浴血奋战的每一寸土地,如今都已经鲜花朵朵、绿草如茵。The martyrs ah, when you fight a bloody battle every inch of land, now have fresh flowers, green grass.

四年来,南部各州浴血奋战,为的就是坚守李所代表的理想。For four years, the Southern states had fought a desperate war to uphold the ideals for which Lee stood.

他的血和我的血一样是殷红色的,我们曾在保卫地盘和荣誉的战斗中一起浴血奋战。His blood was red just like mine and we had spilled plenty of ours together in battles over turf and respect.

任何在战争中浴血奋战的人很可能都希望他所在的战壕是他见到的“最后一道沟”。Anyone who fought in a war has probably hoped that the trench he was in was the "last ditch" he would ever see.

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八路军、新四军浴血奋战,抗击着日本帝国主义的野蛮进攻。The 8th Route and the New-4th-armies battle courageously against the savage onslaughts of the Japanese invaders.

她带领姐妹们坚持三江斗争,面对面地与敌人浴血奋战,成长为巾帼英雄。She led the sisters to struggle in Sanjiang, face to face a bloody battle with the enemy, as the heroine of growth.

当年,平昌酒有过为浴血奋战的英勇红军伤员消毒疗伤,胜利庆功的光荣历史。Pingchang liquor had the glorious history of being used by The Red Army Men for disinfection, treatment and victory.

刻画了华北人民支前和人民解放军浴血奋战的场景。Characterization of the North China People's support and the people's Liberation Army to fight a bloody battle scenes.

归途之中,躺在自己的床上,走过的海员不时向他打着招呼,这些伙计是在大西洋战场上与德国佬的潜艇浴血奋战凯旋归家的爷们儿。On the way home to sleep in his own bed, he’d be saluted by sailors back from fighting the German U-boats in the Atlantic.

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电影讲述了一段盛行战争的岁月,那时候的士兵要么浴血奋战,要么战死沙场。The story tells of a time prevalent with war, where it’s a matter of to kill or to be killed on battlefields for soldiers.

乌滋别克斯坦的起义在一场浴血奋战中告终,同时引发了世界各国的疾呼对其所谓的组织者进行审判。And alleged organizers of the uprising in Uzbekistan that ended in a bloodbath and caused a global outcry are set to go on trial.

1944年夏天,苏联红军经过浴血奋战,正一步步将德军逼出边界。The summer of 1944, the Soviet Red Army through the bloody battles, environmental hygiene, is a step by step to the German border.