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你想过和母亲破镜重圆吗?Do you and Mom ever think about getting back together?

三个月后,夫妻二人破镜重圆。Three months later husband and wife were back together.

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而陈景的前妻也向小陈表达了破镜重圆的意愿。Xiao Chen's ex-wife has also expressed her wish to return to him.

“破镜重圆”这个成语就是从这个故事来的。From that story comes the idiom "A broken mirror joined together".

“破镜重圆”这个成语就是从这个故事来的。From this story comes the idiom "a broken mirror joined together."

林小宝和马路这对小冤家是否能够破镜重圆?Xiao bao Lin and the road the little friends can get together again?

我强烈建议,你把破镜重圆法刻入脑海深处。I would highly suggest that you commit The Clean Slate Method to memory.

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这分声明还表示,这对夫妇仍然希望能破镜重圆。The statement added that the couple hoped to be able to repair the marriage.

你的孩子也许仍对父母破镜重圆心存希望。Your child may have harbored hopes that you and your ex-spouse would reunite.

努力解开误会之后,他们终于破镜重圆、喜结连理。They work hard to resolve their misunderstandings and, in the end, become happily married.

这给我很大打击,但是更糟糕的情况是,数年后,我对于是否本能破镜重圆依然念念不忘。I was devastated, but worse, years later, I was still obsessing over whether I could have mended the rift.

动物园甚至为此请来动物专家,试着调解矛盾,希望他俩能破镜重圆。可惜,事到如今毫无进展。The zoo even called in animal experts to try and reunite the couple with counselling but, so far, to no avail.

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不羁浮的热情在月终流动,允许你创造破镜重圆、妥协的、有效的、有利的协定。Unrestrained passions flow at month end allowing you to create reconciliations and negotiating workable, profitable agreements.

“破镜重圆”这个成语就是从这个故事来的。形容夫妻分开后,又高兴的团圆。From that story comes the idiom "A broken mirror joined together". It is used to suggest the happy reunion of a separated couple.

我把这道“公式”命名为“破镜重圆法”,因为它可以让往事一笔勾销的强大力量,如此一段关系便可以开始愈合。I have named this "formula" – The Clean Slate Method because it has the power to "wipe the slate clean" so a relationship can begin to heal.

她就那样泪如泉涌的哭了很久,终于承认,她还喜欢他,她是在悄悄不争气的许愿,可以破镜重圆。She welled up on that like spring cries to be very long, in received, she was happy he, she is in hoping which was not mad quietly, might break heavily.

然后第二天写了另一封信,告诉她你很抱歉,希望能和她破镜重圆,说她多么多么好,你多么多么喜欢。Then the following day will write another one saying how he is so sorry and wishes he could be with her and lists the reasons that he started to like her.

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另一面,曼纳的弟弟又不幸生亡,留下无人照料的小孩----误解重新发生,这对昔日的欢喜冤家还会破镜重圆吗?The other side of the coin, manns brother was born unfortunately died, leaving no one take care of children, misunderstanding to happen, the former quarrelsome lovers will get together again?

他忘记了他使自己和过去已经像是一刀两断,即使他能设法多少让自己和过去破镜重圆,也难免总要露出分离和重合的裂痕来。He forgot that he had severed himself from the past as by a sword, and that if he did manage to in some way reunite himself with it, the jagged line of separation and reunion would always show.