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你必须学会遇事泰然处之。You must learn to play it cool.

但是我转念一想,就能泰然处之。But other days, I took it in stride.

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像孙女一样“这是她泰然处之的一个角色。Granddaughterly." It's a role she occupies with great ease.

乔布斯急躁的时候,他却可以泰然处之。He has a southern drawl and is as cool as Mr Jobs runs hot.

不会,她只会泰然处之,而且还要从中找到乐趣。No, she would have taken it calmly, and found pleasures therein.

一个好的足球领队在本队遭受失败时能泰然处之。A good football leader can take it on the chin when his team loses.

对被缚的奴隶所受的苦劳能泰然处之的人才是真正自由的的人。The truly free man is he who bears the load of the bond slave patiently.

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我对逃避不了的事情总是泰然处之,就好象我总在向女儿发出我整装待发的信号。It is almost as if I send out a signal to her that I am ready for the challenge.

如果是这样,要泰然处之或者享受电影可能就很困难了。Chances are, it might be difficult to even make the best of it and enjoy the movie.

但当狂风恶浪骤起时,却只有像您这样大智大勇的人方能临危不惧,泰然处之!But when fierce storms arises. only such courage as you can the courage and deliberate!

病毒的存在是无法逃避的现实,对此我们只能泰然处之,就像我们与地震、海啸共处一样。This is an inescapable reality we just have to live with, like earthquakes and tsunamis.

如果你犯了错,能够泰然处之,晚上睡得着,那你太有力量了。If you can live with yourself and sleep at night knowing you made a mistake, more power to you, " he says.

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而一个能够在横看成岭侧成峰的关注面前泰然处之的政府,才是一个真正自信的政府。And a government would get the true self-confidence because it could be dispassion when it faces all kinds of attention.

设想一下,哪怕是很小的一个烦恼,如果你能悦然面对、泰然处之,你肯定会觉得非常地自豪。Consider even the smallest annoyance a challenge, and feel proud of yourself for taking care of it cheerfully and efficiently.

每天,无数贪婪的目光在这张脸上游移,她泰然处之,因为她是这里的红牌姑娘。Everyday, innumerable greedy of the vision move in this upper stream, she poised place it, because she be a red card miss here.

我对逃避不了的事情总是泰然处之,就好象我总在向女儿发出我整装待发的信号。I am actually relaxed with few things that have to be done.It is almost as if I send out a signal to her that I am ready for the challenge.

值得重视的是,那些具有最大胆的思想观点的人,对于外界的清规戒律也最能泰然处之。It is remarkable that persons who speculate the most boldly often conform with the most perfect quietude to the external regulations of society.

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值得重视的是,那些具有最大胆的思想观点的人,对于外界的金科玉律也最能泰然处之。It is remarkable, that persons who speculate the most boldly often conform with the most perfect quietude to the external regulations of society.

我在孩提时代,对此感到有些不适,但是,最终对我的女性身体泰然处之,表现男性一面的强烈欲望也几乎荡然无存。I had some discomfort with this when I was a child, but eventually made peace with my body and the urges to express my male-ness almost completely disappeared.

这些有自信的人会散发出自信,会战胜忧虑,会在不同的地方,不同的时间里泰然处之,他们在任何场合都获得自信。Those people you know who radiate confidence, who have conquered worry, who are at ease everywhere and all the time, acquired their confidence, every bit of it.