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长期的战争使他的技术荒废了。The prolonged war rusted his technique.

神绝不会荒废了他赐给你的大脑!God would not waste the mind he gave you!

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我荒废着我的时间我无所事事。I'm waisting my time, i got nothing to do.

森林火灾使整个地区荒废了。The whole area wasravaged by forest fires.

此时此刻,就有两个潜伏者隐藏在荒废的墓地里。Two of them lurked in the ruined graveyard.

有一个荒废的园圃。There is a garden ground falling into disuse.

这条渠荒废了。This irrigation canal has fallen into disuse.

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这些投资减缩荒废了生产力。This disinvestment laid waste to productivity.

幸福是荒废的灵魂遇到爱的邂逅。Happiness is when the desolated soul meets love.

低头向女士问候在现在是个荒废的习惯了。Bowing to greet al ady is now an obsolete custom.

人民在荒废的田中挨饿,被钉戮。A people starved and stabbed in the untilled field.

一片被忽视的草坪或者一座荒废的花园显示主人不在家。An untended lawn or garden can signal an absent owner.

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说来遗憾,他荒废了宝贵的时光。Regretful to say, he had dawdled away his golden time.

海得拉巴西部的一座荒废的城市。A ruined city of south-central India west of Hyderabad.

他鼓起勇气,走进那间荒废的老屋。He summoned his courage and entered the deserted house.

在中国西北,长期的干旱使土地荒废了。In the northwest of China, long dry periods wasted the land.

比如说你在密歇根购买了一块100英亩荒废的农田。Let's say you purchase a worn-out 100-acre farm in Michigan.

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但如果没有更多的联邦资助,这个小镇可能会就此荒废。But without a lot of federal aid, the town would be desolate.

请你不要荒废了这个圣诞节,是到了你转向神的时间了。Don't waste this Christmas. It's time for you to turn to God.

我可怜你,因为你美好的天性横遭荒废!I pity thee, for the good that has been wasted in thy nature!