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老农给他的马放了点血。The old farmer bled his horse.

夜晚投宿在一个老农家里。Stay the night at a farmer's House.

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一个参加合作生活组织的老农年龄高达83岁。One of the cooperative’s farmers is 83.

不多时就有一个老农牵着牛从这里经过。Soon an old farmer passed with his cow.

老农回答说,他把他们都埋了。The old farmer said he had buried them.

那位老农有着壹双粗糙的大手。The ola farmer has to large rough hanas.

老农抚摩着起皱纹的脸。The peasant is palming his wrinkled face.

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老农抚摩着自己满是皱纹的脸。The peasant is palming his wrinkled face.

那老农擦去额上的汗珠。The old farmer wiped the sweat off his brow.

这位老农去年种了四亩麦子。The old farmer raised four mu of wheat last year.

于是他们找到了一座上百年历史的老农舍。They found the answer in a century old farmhouse.

那位老农年复一年在地里劳动。The old farmer works in the fields year in and year out.

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老农回来,肩上扛着一个大篮子。The old farmer came back, a large basket on his shoulder.

在那儿,她爱上了老农富兰克林的儿子,沃尔特。There she learned to love old Farmer Franklin's son, Walter.

一老农赶著毛驴进城,驴闯红灯,罚10元。A city Laonongganzhao donkey, donkey Chuanghong Deng, fined 10 yuan.

那老农推测冬天将会异常地寒冷。The old peasant conjectured that it would be an unusually cold winter.

一个老农站在我们前面,斜歪着头沉浸在思绪中。An older farmer sitting in front of us titled back his head in reverie.

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老农说应该把这些苗移植到沃土中去。The old peasant said these seedlings should be bedded out in rich soil.

当我讲到那头死去的水牛和那个老农时,大家陷入了沉默。When I mentioned the dead buffalo and the old farmer, they fell silent.

现在,我正着手解决一个老农与政府直接的争端。Presently, I'm working on a dispute between an old farmer and the government.