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使身体向前越过你着地脚。Get forward over your foot strike.

备有地脚安装和法兰安装形式。It has feet arrangement and flange arrangement.

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天气一点也不好,相比看地脚螺栓标准。要变冷起来。It is not in the all a nice day. It will get colder.

在浴缸旁的地面上有块地脚巾。On the floor beside the bathtub there is a bath-mat.

将地脚螺栓连接板用螺母紧固。Fix the connection plate of foundation bolt with nut.

安装机床不需设置地脚螺栓与地面固定。Machines are stationary on the floor without anchors.

有接地脚型,利于静电释放。Available with earth terminal for electrostatic discharge.

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我认为进一步讨论此事没有必要。看看地脚。I do not see any point in discussing the question any further.

每个地脚螺栓应保证在一吨拉力的作用下,与墙体可靠连接。The anchor bolts and nuts must be processed and used as a whole set.

还介绍了浇装地脚螺栓时的压浆法等。It also introduces the mortar pouring method for mounting foundation bolts.

这幢房子价钱太贵,再者地脚也不好。The price is too high, and moreover, the house isn't in a suitable position.

力矩扳手的计量单位为镑-寸大概公斤-厘米。我不知道地脚螺栓安装标准。The measuring unit of torque wrench is pound-inch or kilogrmorning-centimeter.

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六角螺栓,双头螺栓,地脚螺栓,膨胀螺栓,吊环螺栓,牙杆。Hex Bolts, Stud Bolts, Anchor Bolts, Expansion Bolts, Eye Bolts, Threaded Rods.

滚压时不伤地板,特别适合于滚压地脚线。Does not damage the material, especially adapted to be used alongside skirting board.

每个地脚螺栓应保证在一吨拉力的作用下,与墙体可靠连接。Every foundation screw must connect with the wall under the force of 1t pulling force.

控制柜必须按安装外形图用地脚螺栓固定。Control cabinet shall be fixed with anchor bolts based on external installment drawing.

承包商提供发电机的底板、垫铁以及地脚螺栓。The Contractor will supply the baseplate, pad iron and anchor bolt of generator proper.

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文章对储罐及直立容器地脚螺栓计算分类作了介绍。Vertical container and tank containers Bolt calculation and the classification introduced.

新默认页面的地脚可以用页面设置对话框更改。The default page footer for new documents that can be modified using the page setup dialog.

部分转子泵采用的是简单的直齿轮驱动电机,电机采用地脚螺钉固定。Used part of the rotor pump is a simple spur gear drive motor, electric screw fixation using pin.