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探索有效鉴别出中药赤芍饮片中地榆混伪品的方法。To effectively identify fake burner in red peony medicinal slices.

探索有效鉴别出中药赤芍饮片中地榆混伪品的方法。To effectively identify fake burnet in red peony medicinal slices.

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目的建立以高效液相色谱法测定赤芍中丹皮酚含量的方法。Effect of Two Extracting Methods on Content of Paeonol in Paeonia lactiflora Pall.

目的探讨赤芍总甙对大鼠神经细胞脑缺血样损伤模型的保护作用及其机制。Aim To investigate protective effects and mechanism of TPG on ischemia_like injury models.

以生物传感器技术和薄层色谱技术为指导,建立赤芍抗LPS成分的有效提取方法。Based on thin-layer chromatography and biosensor, the effective extraction of anti-LPS components was established.

方法模拟临床赤芍的用量用法,将赤芍予小白鼠灌胃给药,并设置相应的对照组,观察给药后动物的不良反应情况。METHODS Observe adverse reaction of the rats after they were given Red peony root by gavage, control group was given NS.

方法新西兰白兔随机分为对照组、单纯高脂组、赤芍高剂量组、低剂量组。Methods Rabbits were randomly divided into control group, cholesterol group and Paeoniae rubra group of high and low dose.

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结论赤芍总苷对药物所致小鼠学习记忆障碍有明显的改善作用。CONCLUSION It is suggested that TPG possess obvious improvement effects on ability of learning and memory in dysmnesia mice.

方法采用分光光度法测定赤芍野生品和栽培品鞣质含量,并进行比对。Method The total tannin content of wild and cultivated Radix Paeoniae Rubra were determined and compared by spectrophotometry.

观赏植物有梅花、赤芍、石竹、杜鹃花、野山菊、冬青花、金星梅、银星梅。Ornamental plants are the plum blossom, TPG, Carnation, azaleas , chrysanthemums hills, holly flowers, Venus plum, silver-Star.

利用液相色谱串联质谱联用技术,鉴定了赤芍中分子量为496的两种化合物。A liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry was used to identify two components of molecular weight 496 in Radices paeoniae rubra.

研究表明,赤芍和白芍都含有芍药甙而有解痉挛作用。Consider to make clear, the root of herbaceous peony and root of herbaceous peony contain peony glucoside and have spasmolysis contraction effect.

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此外,采用五种大孔吸附树脂富集纯化提取液中的赤芍总苷,实验结果表明,非极性树脂D101和ATD-21是性能良好的赤芍总苷吸附剂。Also, the purification of TPG by macro adsorption resin was investigated. The results showed that nonpolar resin ATD-21 and D101 were good sorbents of TPG.

对赤芍和地榆饮片的外观性状和显微特征,用薄层色谱分析法,鉴别赤芍中掺有的地榆混伪品。Make identification to the fake burner in red peony on micro features and external appearance with thin-layer chromatographic method and careful observation.

目的对我国不同产地赤芍药材中芍药苷和白芍苷含量差异进行分析,探讨分离制备芍药苷和白芍苷单体的工艺路线。Objective To analyze paeoniflorin and albiflorin content in Paeonia lactiflora Pall from different areas and investigate the optimal monomers purification technology.

以赤芍的红外指纹图谱为依据,采用主成分分析法对来自18个产地的赤芍进行了聚类分析。Based on the fingerprint infrared spectrum of paeonia lactiflora Pall, paeonia lactiflora Pall samples from 18 areas were clustered into 6 classes with principal component analysis.

利用生物传感器技术完成了对不同产地赤芍拮抗LPS活性的筛选,确定出产地为四川的赤芍片剂中拮抗LPS活性成分的含量最高。Through biosensor, all kinds of Radix Paeoniae Rubra from different areas were screened. The results showed those from Sichuan province contained the largest quantity of active components of anti-LPS.