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她非常随和。She is very easy-going.

老盖茨的母亲对孩子比较溺爱,为人非常随和。His mother was doting and easygoing.

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我要是有这么随和的父母多好哇!I wish I had such easy-going parents!

她是一个非常快乐,随和的人。She was a very cheerful agreeable woman.

他们性情温柔,心地善良,宽容随和。They are soft, good-natured, and easy-going.

他是一个有着温和观点性情随和的人。Hewas an easygoing man of very moderate views.

总的说来,我是一个外向、诚实而随和的人。Generally speaking, I am open, honest and easy-going.

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她再也不像以前那样温柔,随和,好说话了。No longer was she so gentle, so relaxed and easygoing.

在晚会上,连教授们也变得轻松随和,讲些笑话。At the party even the professors unbent and told jokes.

在她好听的声音背后,是一个快乐和随和的曼玲。The face behind her voice is always happy and easy-going.

啊,我是多么努力在要做到更温文尔雅、更随和!Zoikes, how I try to be more mild-mannered and easy-going!

我是一个友好,热情,大方,随和的女孩。I am a friendly, warm-hearted, generous and easy going girl.

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杰克是个随和的人,大家都喜欢和他相处。Jack is easy-going and everyone likes to get along with him.

为人随和,善于与人交流,具有团队合作精神。It is easy for me to communicate with others , and teamworks.

与媒体接触须真诚及随和。Always be truthful and forthcoming when dealing with the media.

他很随和,很酷,很诚实,是个不错的人。And he's just a very like laid-back, cool, honest, good person.

身材矮小的黄伟握手有力,态度随和。Huang is a small man with a firm handshake and an easy demeanor.

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我性格活泼开朗,随和大方,待人坦诚。I am lively and cheerful, easy-going and generous, others frankly.

她很随和,允许我表现得和一个老顽童一样,我真的就是这样。And easy-going and allows me to be a big child, which I am in spades.

汤姆是那种随和的人,跟谁都合得来。Tom is an easygoing type of person who gets along well with everyone.