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加入桃子。Add peaches.

桃子成熟了。The peaches are ripe.

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你这儿有桃子吗?Do you have any peaches?

桃子熟了好摘。Ripe peaches pick easily.

桃子容易碰伤。The peaches bruise easily.

我们吃掉了一篮桃子。We ate a basket of peaches.

这些桃子还是生的。The peaches are not ripe yet.

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现在桃子下市了。Peaches are out of season now.

我们买了一筐桃子。We bought a basket of peaches.

他把熟透的桃子挑出来。He picked out the ripest peach.

她买了一篮的桃子。She bought a basket of peaches.

苹果,梨,桃子,李子。Ap- ples, pears, peaches, plums.

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他把熟透的桃子挑出来。He picked out the ripest peaches.

他的捏拧擦伤了桃子的表面。His pinching bruised the peaches.

我们买了满满一篮子桃子。We bought a basketful of peaches.

所有的桃子都在树上烂掉了。All the peaches rotted on the tree.

他给了我满满一篮子桃子。He gxdye me a basketful of beaches.

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可桃子不能打败大龙。But peaches can not defeat Tai Long.

我喜欢罐装的菠萝和桃子。I like canned pineapple and peaches.

尊敬的法官大人,我偷了一罐桃子罐头。Your Honor, I stole a can of peaches.