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现在几年级了?What year are you?

请问你是几年级?What grade are you in?

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你在几年级?。Which grade are you in?

她教六年级。She teaches sixth grade.

我比他低一年级。I am one grade below him.

这是在他们9年级的时候。So this was in 9th grade.

我们是四年级学生了!We are fourth-grade pupils!

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你们上几年级?What grade are you guys in?

我是普林斯顿大学一年级的一名新生。I'm a freshman at Princeton.

有六年级的水平吧!These must be sixth-graders!

我们为八年级加油!We for eighth-grade refuels!

你现在教几年级的?What classes are you taking?

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他在大学与我同年级。He was in my year at college.

现在是11年级。He's in 11th grade right now.

你好!你上几年级?Hello! What grade are you in?

我们是几年级的孩子么?What grade are we in, anyway?

我二年级时数学不及格。I flunked math in second grade.

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你是读三年级吗?。Are you in the third-year class?

你在大学读几年级?What year are you in university?

你和林涛都在一年级吗?。Are you and Lin Tao in Grade One?