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姑娘,快跑!Run, girl!

我是拇指姑娘。I am Thumbelina.

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她是个早熟的姑娘。She is precocious.

姑娘要活的坦荡荡!Girl to live frank!

年轻姑娘把那两个字念道了两遍,“自由干吗?”asked the young girl.

姑娘,快跑!去找蒂米!Run, girl! Find Timmy!

所以,姑娘们,别担心。So don't worry, girls.

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可怜的拇指姑娘啊!Poor little Thumbelina!

她是个没私心的姑娘。She is a selfless girl.

穿红衣服的那个姑娘是谁?Who is the girl in red?

梅德琳是个头脑清醒的姑娘。Madeline is a cool girl.

一个姑娘,我觉得她很善良。A gal I thought was kind.

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我梦中的金姑娘。Golden Girl of my dreams.

她是一个纯真无邪的姑娘。She is a pure young girl.

这姑娘游得真远。The girl swims quite far.

这姑娘生得十分秀丽。This girl is very pretty.

你看过一个姑娘吗?Did you ever see a lassie?

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你有没有看到一位姑娘?Did you ever see a lassie?

那是个阿比西尼亚姑娘。It was an Abyssinian maid.

他被一位姑娘迷住了。He is besotted with a girl.