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你对计算机行话熟悉吗?Are you fluent in computerese?

你的行业有哪些行话?What’s the lingo in your industry?

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医生、演员和水手都有自己的行话。Doctors, actors and sailors have jargons.

这也是你经常听到的另外一个行话。It's another piece of jargon you often hear.

这就像一种行话,一种金融用语It's like a language, a language of finance.

对社会科学家之间的行话不熟悉。Unversed in the jargon of the social scientist.

对不起用了行话,但有时候还是必要的。Sorry to use jargon, but sometimes it's necessary.

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好的,我会用通欲的话来讲,不再用行话。Ok, I'll use the layman's terms, no jargons any more.

这一现象有个流行的行话叫“杂波”。The popular buzzword for this phenomenon is "clutter."

我们对社会科学家之间的行话不熟悉。We are unversed in the jargon of the social scientist.

但是,来自于其他行业的行话会让你显得很蠢。But, jargon from the wrong industry makes you look dumb.

用一句哲学行话来说,它的“真理塑成者”究竟是什么?What's its 'truth maker', to use the philosophical jargon?

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搜索者可以使用特定行业的通用术语或行话。Searchers may use industry-specific lingo or generic terms.

技术不断令人费解和淹没,我们与它的行话。Technology keeps baffling and inundating us with its jargon.

“拥有”这个词,用黑客的行话来说也就是控制。To 'own' something in hacker slang is to take control of it.

环圈量子重力学用行话来说,是“背景独立”的。Loop quantum gravity is in the jargon background independent.

“清洁室”或称“白室”,正日益变成专家们的行话。"A clean room"or"a white room", increasingly becomes shop talk.

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学日常用语,俚语,成语和行话。Learn the meaning of colloquialisms , slang , idioms , and jargon.

上下文不应包括解决方案或任何技术行话。The context should not include the solution or any technical jargon.

采购部门了解需求者的订购习惯和行话。C. Purchasing's knowledge of requisitioner ordering habits and patters.