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暴风骤,长雨歇,黑幕随,膨离。From the storm, the long calm, the darkness, the swell.

让天空张起黑幕,叫白天让位给黑夜!Bed. Hung be the heavens with black, yield day to night!

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毫无疑问,如此黑幕重重的戏剧配得上更让人轰动的结局。SURELY a drama this dark deserved a more explosive finale.

幸好那位长命不老的魔法师拉下了一块凉爽的黑幕。The oldest magician make it by dropping a cold drape of darkness.

但是,他敢于给公众带来关于战争黑幕的消息。However, he has dared to bring to the public dark realities of war.

只是,那时夜晚的黑幕遮蔽了离别的哀愁。Just, the sorrow of parting was camouflaged by the dark night at that moment.

他的名字是布鲁斯白妞,但他的球迷喜欢叫他“超薄黑幕”。His name's Bruce Marshall Mathers, but his fans prefer to call him "slim shady".

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我的视线很想穿透这层黑幕,很想刺探天之尽头是什么。My vision is to penetrate this layer of dark, want to spy on what is at the end of days.

我觉得那天的小武艺真是小可怜,像是一下子没有了湖南台给他的黑幕支持,所以很没自信了。At the end of the day, faith is a funny thing. It turns up when you don't really expect it.

但是,之后眼前看起来有点光亮冲破黑幕忽隐忽现、,我觉得我看到了皮毛。But then the blackness began to seem somewhat fuzzy, and I realized I was looking into fur.

凝视夜空,可以设想群星不过是黑幕上的点点小洞,让天堂之光透射进来。Gaze into the night sky and think of the stars as holes in the darkness letting heaven shine through.

幼小心灵嘶心裂肺的呼喊,那声音穿透黑幕,震痛人心。Mind the cries of young lungs, heart cry crack, through the voice inside stories, pain, shock people.

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有“政治特工”已经赶来她的州,挖她的黑幕,投诉她的工作道德。"Political operatives" have descended on the state to dig up dirt and file ethics complaints against her.

但时不时的,一些新动向可能正在新华社萌动,一些有时象是揭发黑幕的事情。But in fits and starts, something new might be stirring at Xinhua, something at times resembling muckracking.

先生赵曾获全国美誉黑幕揭发前问他加入时报2004年4月。Mr. Zhao had earned a national reputation as a muckraking journalist before he joined The Times in April 2004.

弹劾艾斯特拉达总统势将揭露亚洲最脆弱的民主政权黑幕。The impeachment of President Joseph Estrada threatens to take the lid off the region's most volatile democracy.

没有什么黑幕,规划师不会为了赚钱而将一个不合适的理财产品卖给一个客户。The advisor is not trying to make money selling a financial product that may not be the best choice for a client.

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依据凯思这套简单且准确的规则,我们便不难理解,为何美国政府在感恩节期间掀起打击黑幕交易狂潮一事是可以预料的。Kass' simple, spot-on formula makes it easy to understand why this holiday wave of enforcement activity was entirely predictable.

一些研究人员认为这将危害公众健康,而且应当为2008年婴儿奶粉黑幕承担部分责任。This, say some researchers, could lead to health hazards and could have been partly responsible for the 2008 infant milk scandal.

在那个时代,揭发种种黑幕的记者和作家们,就是历史上赫赫有名的“扒粪者”。" In those days, all kinds of light and dark side of the writers who reporter, is well-known in the history of the " muckraking persons.