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目前,救援人员已赶赴现场。Currently, rescue workers rushed to the scene.

如果大夫实时赶赴艾米此刻还会在世。If the doctor had come in time, Bmy would still be alive.

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但是,有的土耳其人还是赶赴灾区。But other Turks have reached out to the quake-stricken area.

国际灾难救援队伍也已经赶赴日本。International disaster relief teams have been sent to Japan.

天下午,我将赶赴布拉格,参与定于明天举行的第十一次中欧领导人会晤。In a few hours, Ill leave for Prague for the 11th China-EU summit.

事先听到有关此事风声的新闻记者争先恐后赶赴现场。Journalists who were tipped off about the incident raced to the scene.

总统本人则继续赶赴行程的下一站,到阿富汗检阅当地军队。The US president has now continued to Afghanistan to inspect troops there.

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数以百计的军队已经赶赴灾区,帮助救援工作。Hundreds of troops have been dispatched to the region to assist in the effort.

江西省高层官员赶赴现场指挥抢救。Senior provincial officials were assigned to direct rescue operations on site.

胡锦涛主席抵达四川省后直接赶赴地震灾区,和迎接他的温家宝总理一起视察了遭受地震严重破坏的地区。After arriving in Sichuan Mr. Hu went directly to the earthquake disaster zone.

大堂经理接警后,立即携带客房万能钥匙及手电筒赶赴火警点。Duty Manager shall immediately go to the scene with a torch and the master key.

铁道部副部长胡亚东正赶赴现场,指导救援工作。Hu Xiadong, deputy minister of railways, is heading to the scene for rescue work.

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记者赶赴现场发现,阳台窗户口飘出滚滚黑烟。Reporters rushed to the scene, the balcony windows billowing smoke wafting account.

警方随后赶赴现场将马和骆驼清理出集会场所。Police then rushed to the scene to sort out the horse and Luo Tuoqing meeting place.

这并不意味着我们不能赶赴聚会享乐,并且以严肃的口吻讨论信贷紧缩。It does not mean we have to cancel all parties and talk in hushed credit-crunch tones.

土耳其安纳托利亚通讯社说,当局已派出数辆救护车赶赴现场。Turkey's Anatolia news agency said several ambulances had been dispatched to the scene.

去年底,一批号称中国最环保的企业家浩浩荡荡的赶赴哥本哈根。Months of friendly discussion between China and the west went up in smoke at Copenhagen.

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指挥台接警后立刻派民警赶赴出事地点。The 110 command center sent policemen to the site as soon as they received the crime report.

政府2日提高救灾应急响应级别,并派出工作组赶赴灾区,协助指导抗灾救灾工作。The government boosted its response and sent emergency teams to oversee relief work Tuesday.

想要享受的自由旅途,不喜欢匆忙赶赴某一目的地的感觉。They want to luxuriate in the experience of a stress-free journey, not rush to a destination.