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混蛋射击我!Varmint shot me!

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所有经理都是混蛋。All managers are jerks.

约翰是个脚踏两条船的混蛋!John is a two-timing jerk!

混蛋,你敢背叛我们!You betrayed us, you fuck.

是当混蛋的借口。An excuse to be an asshole.

他在那里,混蛋,老龙!There he is, fucker. Dragon!

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吃我一锤你这混蛋!Take this hammer you bastard!

你应该控告那个不要脸的混蛋。You ought to sue the bastard.

让这个混蛋滚出加拿大。Get this scumbag out of Canada.

放开我,你这该死的混蛋!Let me go, you fucking arsehole!

我会杀了你,你这混蛋!I'm gonna kill you, motherfucker!

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那个混蛋竟然骚扰我女朋友。That wretch is hitting on my girl.

听着,你这个可怜的小混蛋。Look here, you snotty little creep.

我想到我的柠檬混蛋白酥了。Oh, I'm thinking my lemon meringue.

混蛋!你想死吗,黑鬼?Shit! You wanna get killed, nigger?

与我打交道的人都是混蛋。All the people I deal with are scum.

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我要揪出吉利根这个混蛋。I'm gonna get this Gilligan bastard.

把这个忘恩负义的混蛋踢出我们的国家。Kick the ingrate out of the country.

你这些混蛋比我需要它。Yous fuckers need it more than I do.