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用这些试题去考考你的熟人吧。Try these tests on your acquaintances.

这些试题真令我困惑。These test questions really buffaloed me.

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硕士学位研究生入学英语试题汇编>。The class has an enrollment of27 students.

年试题中表达“妹妹走向河边阿福跟随。My sister went to the river and A Fu followed her.

因此而知,这是一题判断说话者间关系的试题。What is the relationship between the two speakers?

对试题或答案不要增加任何东西。Do not add anything to the question or to the answer.

英语和数学试题对我来说不很容易。The English and Maths papers weren't easy enough for me.

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英语以及算术试题对于我来讲不很容易。the english and maths papers weren't easy enough for me.

昨晚收到一学生来信,索要雅思试题例文,请求我帮着写一篇!Last night, I got an Email for a sample writing by myself.

这本书的试题是按难易程度顺序排列的。The tests in this book are arranged in order of difficulty.

那你觉得凯莉和奈特真的会下载试题吗?So do you think Carrie and Nate will really download the exam?

我们看了试题之后总的感觉是比较简单。Questions after reading our overall feeling is relatively easy.

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答完试题仔细检查一下,把错的改正过来。After you finish the test, go over it and correct your mistakes.

文章对英语测试中的三大客观试题类型进行了综合分析。This article gives an overview of three types of objective tests.

我半个小时就考完试了,因为试题非常简单。I finished the test paper in half an hour, because it's easy as pie.

瑞薏试后大怒,德仕怪罪她曾偷看试题,瑞薏否认。Job try after great anger, DE shi blame her peep exam and job denied.

试题的基本命题思想是考察能力,立足于化学内容的自然生长点。The idea of assigning questions is based on the natural growing point.

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“事实上,多数老师都会给出习题或旧试题”她说。"Most teachers give out practice exams and old exams anyway," she said.

当试题是太困难的,好生水货一同受害。When an exam is too difficult , it " kills " the good as well as the bad.

此部分包括课程复习资料和测验的全真试题。This section contains the review and actual quiz materials for the course.