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驴子说“嘿—嚯”。Donkeys say heehaw.

我喜欢岩藻糖王驴子我!I like F U C King ass!

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那些驴子在哪?Where are the donkeys, Saul?

他像驴子一样倔强。He is as stubborn as a donkey.

那时候我将驴子卖给你们。I shall sell her at that time.

是一头十分悲观的驴子。Eeyore is a pessimistic donkey.

她固执得像头驴子。She was as obstinate as a mule.

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驴子喜欢互相清洁。Burros like to clean each other.

桑科在后面骑在驴子上。Sancho rode behind on his donkey.

你能用一个字母把“驴子”拼出来吗?。Can you spell donkey with one letter?

你能用一个字母把“驴子”拼出来吗?Dan you spell donkey with one letter?

每只驴子都爱听自己叫。Every ass loves to hear himself bray.

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是驴子是马,拉出来遛遛。He was walking his horse up and down.

一个骆马和驴子骨头的墓地!A graveyard of llama and donkey bones!

驴子喜欢互相清洁对方。Burros would like to clean each other.

“我想要买你的驴子,”两人异口同声说。"I'll buy your donkey, " said the two.

有个人,养了一只玛耳太狗和一头驴子。A man owned a Maltese dog and a donkey.

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起初,驴子绝望地叫个不停。At first, the donkey cried desperately.

他坐下来等驴子溺毙。He sat and waited for the donkey to drown.

派遣驴子去巴黎,回家仍旧是蠢驴。She can take the donkey. We have a donkey.