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约翰,你怎么不上去劝架?John, why don't you stop them fighting?

一开始我还想去劝架,后来还是算了。At first I wanted to stop it, but I left them be.

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我走过去想劝架,但是我也被卷入进去。I went over and tried to sort it out but I got involved.

去劝架的人,常常搞到要抹自己的鼻血。Those who in quarrel interpose must often wipe a bloody nose.

但是有四个女儿的父母们却表示他们平均每天要劝架四次。But parents of four girls reported refereeing an average of four fights a day.

我了解你,你会傻到要去劝架。能允许我说,你今晚看起来很清秀吗?。I know you. You're stupid enough to break it up. May I say you look very comely tonight?

在防守的美国和崛起的中国之间,普京会扮演劝架者、甚至是调停者的角色么?Will Mr Putin act as a restraint — or even a mediator — between a defensive US and a rising China?

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看到两位贵宾争吵起来,其余的人便协力劝架。Seeing the two guests of honor bickering, the rest of the group formed a bucket brigade to calm them.

郝京妮拼命劝架,结果一急肚子疼了,送医院后,大家才晓得郝京妮怀孕了!Beijing hao's results a nasty desperately sequel stomach hurts, hospital, everybody just know after the hao's pregnancy!

塔利的母亲拉维来到度假村塔利家,看到塔利与塔莎安争吵,拉维赶紧劝架,两个人才决定继续留下来。Tullys mother ravi to resort tully, saw tully quarrel with tasha Ann, ravi to stop the fight, two people decide to stay.

最后,我终于看不下去了,在他们对对方造成严重伤害之前,我站起身来过去劝架。Finally I couldn’t stand it anymore. I got up and walked over to stop the fight before they did themselves serious damage.

林部长回到了上海,周院长把他堵在了办公室,之江连忙去请晴气来劝架。Minister Lin returned to Shanghai, zhou stuck him in the office, zhijiang hurriedly went to see my fine gas to stop the fight.

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专家说在家排名中等的孩子倾向于成为家庭中的劝架者,同时调查表明家里最小的孩子比哥哥姐姐们更有创造力,更能融入社会。Experts say middle children tend to be family peacekeepers, and research also shows the baby of the family is more creative and more social than his or her older brothers and sisters.