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所有生灵,不分善恶。Every being, good or evil.

我的使命就是要拯救所有的生灵。My mission is to save all living things.

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所有的小生灵都躲在巢穴里冬眠。All animals are smothered in their lairs.

我们要使美丽的生灵不断蕃息。From fairest creatures we desire increase.

你的憎恨将不再贻害更多生灵。No more lives will be consumed by your hatred.

这些半人的生灵也许是一个女人和一个男人的合体。Semi-human creatures may be a woman and a man.

像那些仅在夜里出世的生灵。Like creatures that only come out in the night.

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涂炭生灵。The people are plunged into an abyss of misery.

“愿伍德和一切生灵永得安宁,”牧师祷告着。"May Woody and all beings find peace, " he says.

低等的生灵在你残酷的行为下呻吟著。The inferior creatures groan under your cruelties.

帮助罪恶的灵魂早日转世,成为好的生灵是我应尽的善事。Help a demon transmigrate earlier , tob cne a good one.

在丘陵上漫步,总是不可避免地觉得跟生灵与你同行。TO WANDER on the Downs is inevitably to walk with ghosts.

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比顿夫人说,万物生灵都要吃,但是“唯有人进餐”。As Mrs Beeton said, all creatures eat, but "man only dines".

奥丁希望他的儿子在地球的生灵中学会谦卑。Odin hopes his son will learn humility among the earthlings.

没有找到比你更快乐的人生灵犀。There 's no greater joy in life than finding your soul mate.

每一个生灵都透着上帝之光,都是一本关于上帝的书。Every single creature is full of God and is a book about God.

二十世纪的西方妇女确实是雌雄同体的生灵。Twentieth-century Western woman is truly an androgynous creature.

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我期待的是文明,但他们比换生灵更糟糕。I expected civilization, but they were worse than the changelings.

我期待的是文明,但他们比换生灵更糟糕。I ex-pected civilization, but they were worse than the changelings.

换生灵变成了小孩,小孩变成了换生灵。The hobgoblin becomes the child, and the child becomes a hobgoblin.