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没有轻飘的粉红色。No ethereal pinks.

我浑身无力感觉我的手就象两只轻飘的气球。My hands felt just like two balloons.

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现在断裂轻飘的项目为1出售金子。Broken Ethereal items now sell for 1 gold.

看被扔出的鸽子轻飘在场院的惊恐!Flake-doves sent floating forth at a farmyard scare!

那些风中轻飘的飞蓬,是植物界随遇而安的典型。The bitter fleabane in the wind is a typical drifting plant.

云啊,轻轻飘过来,梦中轮廓一点点透露出来。Cloud ah, gently wafted, a dream that came out a little bit outline.

那敏感的牧师怀着神经质的恐惧,将身子一缩,躲开了那轻飘的飞弹。The sensitive clergyman shrunk, with nervous dread, from the light missile.

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船桨有节奏地划动着,引起冲击船体的波浪使船非常轻飘。The paddle moved rhythmically, causing ripples that rocked the boat ever so slightly.

嫩柳轻飘,春风荡漾,小鸟唧唧地欢唱。Young willows were ethereal, spring breeze so caressing, and birds were chirping in unison.

独特的静音、传动技能设计使手推车走行无声、轻飘。Unique design of noiseless and transmission technology makes it quiet and brisk while moving.

一切都那么轻飘,那么虚幻,红尘一场,有什么是我们能稳妥地攥在手里的呢?Everything is so light, so unreal, a red field, is there anything we can safely hold in your hand?

剑光犹若流萤,轻飘无声的往东方锦的肩膀刺去。Sword only still whether stream Ying, easily drift breathed eastwards the shoulder sting of square brocade go.

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我怀念冬天的白雪,以及那羽毛一样轻飘的落在我身上瞬间过后即融的雪片。I miss the white snow in the winter, and feather-light snow flakes that landed on my body and melted in a second.

完全没有负担的轻飘生活是不可想象的,因为告别负担亦即离别真实的生活。Aethereally completely burdens of life is unthinkable, because that is the burden of having to bid farewell farewell real life.

为了形成轻飘的感觉,并控制弯曲的造型,展架的厚度都由精确计算得出。In order to give a weightless feel and at the same time to control flexure, thickness is independently adjusted by computation.

霓裳轻飘的光泽,斑斓的色彩配上优雅的款式,呈现出清凉飘逸的别样美感。Colorful light as the sunlight, coupled with gorgeous colors and elegant style, showing a different kind of cool, elegant beauty.

闭上眼,又感觉到天地的旋转,身体轻飘得只剩一片比纸薄的灵魂。Close eye, and feeling goes to universe, spin , body is light to float have to leave only a slice of than the soul with thin paper.

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船里倘有粮,船一定稳重,现在看去,黄盖的船很轻飘,又刮东南风,要防他诡计。You can see that all Huang Kai's boats are riding high and sailing fast. The southeast wind is blowing now. We must make sure it is not a trick.

就在此时,阿玛西亚又站了起来,轻轻一跳,跳到地上,那四脚熟练,动作优雅、谨慎、轻飘,美如波浪。Then it was that Amathea lifted herself once more, and with delicate, discreet, unweighted movement of perfect limbs leapt lightly to the floor as lovely as a wave.

兴趣点过多则太过繁复而该区超重,其他区域则感觉轻飘。Too many points of interest in one section of your image can leave it feeling too ‘heavy’ or complicated in that section of the shot and other parts feeling ‘empty’.