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不能像日全蚀那样完全遮挡住太阳。As it does in a total eclipse.

月亮把它完全遮挡住了。The moon is hiding it completely.

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答案是当月亮遮挡了它时就会变黑。It does so when the moon hides it.

当我撑起一把遮挡太阳的伞。When I took out umbrellas block the sun.

戴上太阳帽以遮挡阳光。Wear a hat to protect yourself from the sun.

为乘客遮挡风吹日晒的惟有一张帆布篷而已。A simple canopy helps block the sun and wind.

它们可以提供防风林并且遮挡太阳。They provide windbreaks and shade from the sun.

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他的雨帽总是遮挡到他的眉毛。His rain hat would be pulled down over his brow.

将不能搬动的家具遮掩遮挡掩瞒起来。Cover furniture that cpernot quite possibly be moved.

其他几个地区的地貌,可能被浮油遮挡住。Several other features may mask the oil in the image.

盖在门窗缝上遮挡风雨的木条。The wind was driving the rain against the window-panes.

当茂密的树木再次遮挡那一缕光线。When luxuriant and thick trees hide us from view again.

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采光非常好,前后无遮挡,不临街无噪音。Daylighting is very good, and shining, street not noise.

采光非常好,前后无遮挡,不临街无噪音。Daylighting is very good, after shining, not street noise.

然后通过RANSAC算法得到遮挡边界。Secondly, the boundary line is calculated by RANSAC method.

这些操纵杆用来开放池子内部的遮挡板。These levers were used to open the barrier inside the pond.

月球在什么时候会遮挡住地球的太阳光?When does the moon block the sunlight shining onto the Earth?

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在日全食发生时,月亮会完全遮挡住太阳。During a total eclipse, the moon completely blots out the sun.

日出东升,我伸手是遮挡那一抹余辉。Sunrise in the east, I reached a block that touch of persistence.

这将留下的头发超过眼睛,无遮挡的看法。This will leave the hair over the eyes, without blocking the view.