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别推,顺次等候好了。Don't shove, wait your turn.

他们顺次返返来埋躲在爆炸中销毁的豪侈品。They returned in turn to bury the luxuries burnt in the burst.

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这些顺次摆列地同类数据元素地汇合称为数组。These in descending order of similar data element set is called array.

当鱼被一种一种地顺次放入时,人们认为证据更有力。When the fish were added one at a time, people perceived the evidence to be stronger.

即使这些服务彼此无关时,依然会顺次启动它们。Even when services are unrelated to one another, they're still started one after the other.

讨论了顺次联图邻域完整度的一些性质。In this paper, the properties of vertex-neighbor-integrity of sequential-joined graphs are discussed.

使无线电波顺次对每一个声响作出相应改变时,消息就由广播电台通报到接受机。In the radio waves correspond to each sound in turn, messages are carried from a broadcasting station to a receiving set.

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鲇川她们三个候选人,顺次跟正一郎的母亲布由晤面,布由给他们新的谜题的提醒。Nian sichuan they three candidates, with positive ichiro followed by the mother of WuMian, cloth cloth by giving them new riddle remind.

高距离分辨率需要大的信号带宽,在获得宽带信号的方法中,研究主要是采用单发射机的顺次发射接收情况。High range resolution needs wide-band signals. Most reported research into wideband signal adopts stepped chirp using single transmitter.

序号应按顺时针或逆时针方向排列整齐,若在整个图上无法连续时可只在水平或垂直方向顺次排列。If the number can not be sequenced continually on the drawing, one can arrange them in order along the horizontal or vertical directions.

掩袭手,要花1000澳门葡京元,由于他们还需要武器库当作条件,一顺次一队十分于花了2000块。The Sniper Team, costing 1000 credits and requiring an armory for deployment. You are looking at 2000 credits before your first sniper team is trained.

本文基于大型有限元软件ABAQUS,开发了一个顺次耦合的焊接应力计算程序,对P91钢焊接接头的残余应力场进行了模拟。A coupling calculation method for welding stress was developed by ABAQUS code. The residual stress for welded joint of P91 steel was simulated by the method above.

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现代的钢材打捆机均装备有盖轮系统,抽线时盖轮顺次张开能使捆线以更大的力捆紧钢材捆。The modern binding machine is fitted with sets of covering rollers , when covering rollers are opened in sequence , the bundle of rods is bundled up by wire with greater force.

结果表明有效控制顺次相邻两公共汽车离开公交站点的间隔时间并尽可能减少其波动可以缩短公交站点乘客的累积等车时间。The results show that the cumulative waiting time of the passenger! can be shortened by controlling the intervals of the arrivals of two adjacent buses and reducing their variation effectively.

最迟在西周之时,先后形成了四时与四方相配的时空统一观念,以及五行顺次相生观念。At least in the Western Zhou Dynasty, the correspondence between the four seasons and four directions and orderly producing sequence between the five elements were established one after another.