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他吹掉沙子。He blew the sands away.

沙子很容易抖掉。Sand shakes off easily.

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她踢起沙子。She kicked the sand up.

让我们挖沙子吧。Let's dig in the sandpit.

沙子又细又白。The sand is fine and white.

沙子么,就如一些琐碎的小事。The sand is the small stuff.

我踩上了沙子又踏上了顽石i stepped on sand then stone

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这座城市到处都是沙子。The city is covered with sand.

这条河淤满了沙子。The river filled up with sand.

这里的沙子又白又细。The sand here is fine and white.

他们的工作就是“淘洗沙子”。Their job is "panning for gold".

风又把沙子吹回。And the wind blows it back again.

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但在北京,沙子就没消停过。But in Beijing, dust never sleeps.

她把鞋子里的沙子抖掉。She shook the sand from her shoes.

这里的沙子这么细,又这么白。The sand here is so fine and white.

海底的沙子比白垩更白Sand on the bottom whiter than chalk

韩佳,你看这儿的沙子多白多细啊!Silver Beach and see the white sand.

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工人们正在铲沙子。The workers are shovelling the sand.

你们把沙子对风扔去。You throw the sand against the wind.

这些人用铲子把沙子装进车里。The men shoveled the sand into a cart.