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老天,那真是马可斯?Oh, my! Is that Marcus?

老天啊,到这里来,孩子。By Jove, come up here, old boy.

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“老天却喜欢捉弄本分人”。God is like the sub-tease people.

老天何来那么多的悲痛,日夜泪流不止?God why so much grief, and tears?

他哭求老天为他雪耻。He cried to heaven for vengeance.

老天,四个地穴蜘蛛在休息!Heaven, four popular Spider rest !

老天!玻璃是种阴险的东西。Pardi! Glass is a treacherous thing.

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我们不靠老天保佑。We don't rely on blessings from Heaven.

老天,我用小天的名义请求你,请你让我热带正常。Why I not do that . You know , my dear.

我的老天,这是一对恋人!This is the gayest scene I've ever seen.

我恨苍天不公,恨老天无眼。I hate heaven injustice, hate God no eye.

这里是律师办公室,看在老天的份上。This is a law office, for criminy's sake.

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他的依凡,是最甜的女孩,老天!His Yvonne, the sweetest one, me oh my oh.

老天,那么这些肉怎么想?Omigod. So what does this meat have in mind?

跟老天生气没关系传世私服元神版,他可以承受的住的。it's ok to get angry with god. he can take it.

我觉得老天会不声不响地永远下着雨。I felt that it would rain forever, noiselessly.

妈妈咪呀,你赢得了老天的爱情大奖!Mama mia, you have won the cosmic love lottery!

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老天无眼无情,我们人间有爱、也有情!God no merciless eyes, we have human love, love!

情况,也算老天成全我吧!Circumstance, likewise think whole old natural I!

老天虽下雨,喷壶不成弃。Although is rain, throw not away thy watering pot.