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新加坡近日将允许开放蹦极运动。Singapore will now permit bungee jumping.

jMaki项目近日发布了1.0版本。Today the jMaki project released version 1.0.

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谷歌近日称,通过创建一个“兴趣档案”,你将能够在浏览网页时自主决定想要看什么样的广告。Google Introduces 'Interest-Based' Advertising

我国近日将择机发射第五颗北斗导航卫星。China to launch fifth orbiter for its own 'GPS'.

扬州近日浑成差,一朵能行白牡丹。Recent muddy Yangzhou poor one can do white peony.

近日推出新产品,你知道吗?Do you know about "Vitasoy"'s new products recently?

近日,前往林恩的新房子是一种真正的宫殿。Recently, went to Lynn's new house which is a real palace.

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伦敦奥组委近日公布了二○一二年奥运会会徽。The logo for the 2012 London Olympics was unveiled Monday.

在经历了23年的痛苦学车后,一名英国妇女近日终于通过了她的驾照考试。A woman has finally passed her driving test after 23 years.

我们都是远视眼,模糊le离我们近日旳幸福。We are all hyperopia, blurred the happiness of our nearest.

倘于近日能欢迎您来访,我们将感到快乐。We shall have the pleasure of welcoming your visiting soon.

衡阳近日持续降温,气温再创新低。Hengyang has continued to cool, the temperature to new lows.

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近日点方向使每个轨道改变了多少?How much does the direction of perihelion change each orbit?

近日,英国一对恋人在分离65年后重逢并结婚。UK couple reunited 65 years after they were split during WWII.

近日油价猛涨背后的原因到底是什么。Jim Avila gets answers about what is behind soaring fuel costs.

结果,赫先生近日扭伤了左脚脚踝。As a result, Mr. Hersey sprained left foot ankle in recent days.

近日,北京高考状元李泰伯被美国11所高校拒绝,被媒体炒得沸沸扬扬。It seems that the news of Li being rejected by 11 of the best U.

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近日,在肯尼亚首都内罗毕一家五金商店外,发生了一场私刑。Nobody knows how many such lynchings happen in Kenya every year.

福布斯近日发布了2009模特吸金排行榜,巴西超模吉赛尔·邦辰仍然稳坐全世界最赚钱模特的宝座。Forbes released a list of the world's top-earning models in 2009.

顷接来函,承你告我近日结婚。I have just received your letter telling me your recent marriage.