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而卢孟并没有劝阻她。Lu did not dissuade her.

劝阻未婚生育。Discourage out-of-wedlock births.

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杰克劝阻我出访以色列。Jack dehorts me from visiting Israel.

你最好劝阻他别那样干。You'd better dissuade him from doing that.

大部分人都被他的妻子劳伦劝阻。Most were intercepted by his wife, Laurene.

吉姆劝阻经理作这一尝试。Jim dissuaded the director from the attempt.

我试图劝阻他,但为时已晚。I tried to dissuade him, but it was too late.

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王后试着想加以劝阻,但依然无效。The queen tried to dissuade him, but in vain.

但是解海龙对这样的劝阻已经习以为常。But Xie was used to this kind of discouragement.

尽管玛吉劝阻,汤姆还是签了自己的名字。Against Maggie's entreaties, Tom signed his name.

在劝阻客户交叉销售和貌相。Discouraging customer cross-selling and profiling.

我们甚至还没有试图劝阻他们,帕尔说。We are not even trying to dissuade them, Parr said.

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父母劝阻我和他交往。My parents dissuaded me from keeping company with him.

德雷屈尔分类的劝阻孩子的目标。Dreikurs classifies the goals of the discouraged child.

我们仍在努力设法劝阻北韩人不要这样做。We are still working to try to dissuade the North Koreans.

教师应劝阻学生吸烟喝酒。Teachers should discourage their students from smoking and drinking.

尽管朋友们都竭力劝阻,他还是再一次踏上了征途。He set off once more in spite of his friends' attempts to dissuade him.

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但应当劝阻儿童拨打不重要的电话,他补充说道。Use by children for non-essential calls should be discouraged, he added.

但是医生不愿说任何可能劝阻母乳喂养的话。But doctors are reluctant to say anything that might discourage breast-feeding.

我拉过犁,种过地,收获过庄稼,可是没有一个男人劝阻过我!I have ploughed and planted, and gathered into barns, and no man could head me!