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研究人员认为,太阳可能是制造轴子的工厂。The sun is thought to possibly be a factory for these axions.

其他才从太阳内部生成的轴子,则可能四处漫流、穿透我们。Other axions, freshly formed inside the sun, could be streaming through us.

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每一个轴子的生成都会带走黑洞的转动能。The creation of each axion would draw rotational energy away from the hole.

只有少数研究小组正在搜寻叫做轴子的轻量级粒子。Only a handful of groups are searching for the lightweight particles called axions.

范·比伯指出,证明轴子的存在并不排除弱作用重粒子的存在。For one, evidence that axions exist would not exclude the existence of WIMPs, van Bibber said.

PVLAS团队便由这个数据推断出轴子的质量及其交互作用的强度。From its data, the PVLAS group infers the mass of the putative axions and how strongly they interact.

一旦到达太阳磁场强烈的日冕处,这些轴子又会转变为光子。Once at the solar corona, where the sun's magnetic field is strong, the axions would convert back into photons.

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要是PVLAS的结果正确,那麽在「光穿墙」的实验中,就应该可以见到轴子。If the PVLAS results are correct, then axions should appear in an experiment known as "shining a light through a wall."

这项结果于是排除了某个大范围的轴子可能质量,以及其作用力强度,包括从PVLAS所观测到的数值。That result would seem to rule out a large swath of possible masses and interaction strengths, including the values seen by PVLAS.

这种合成图像将会有助于天体物理学家们摆脱由其他一切事物产生的所谓的背景噪声,只留下轴子信号。The composite image would help the astrophysicists to get rid of so-called background noise produced by everything else but the axions.

如果赫德森研究小组或另外一个研究小组参与到轴子的研究中来,并且宣布轴子就是暗物质粒子,他们的论断不会立刻被采纳的。If Hudson's or another team were to reel in axions, the announcement that they are the dark matter particle would not immediately follow.

他们正在制造强磁场,希望能够检测出正在衰变成真实单一光子的轴子微波信号。They are manufacturing intense magnetic fields in the hopes of detecting microwave signals of an axion decaying into a single, real photon.

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利用以前旧的梳妆台的抽屉,在抽屉上安四个轴子,在里面放满东西,再把抽屉推到床底下。Make use of drawers from an old dresser that's not being used. Install four rollers on an old dresser drawer, fill it up, and roll it under the bed.

任何偏差都可能帮我们找到假想的粒子比如轴子,然后进一步验证暗物质的存在和它的性质。Any such deviations could give hints of the postulated particle known as the axion, which could in turn prove the existence and nature of dark matter.

机电动态性能由机电-交轴子系统所决定,电压调节性能由直轴子系统所决定。The mechanic-electrical dynamic performance is determined by q-axis sub-system, and the voltage regulation performance is determined by d-axis sub-system.

此结果为进一步研究轴子探测实验中的两类耦合机制之间的关联提供了一种可能的途径。This work provides a possible approach to the further research of the relationship between the two types coupling of axion in the search for the axion experiments.

采用微扰计算方法,探讨了轴子探测实验中两类耦合常数间的关联。By utilizing the perturbation computing method, we deduced the relationship between the two types of the coupling constants in the search for the axion experiments.

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根据这一团队的运算,从旋转黑洞中射出的一个轴子可能触发更多轴子的射出,从而形成一个围绕黑洞轨道运行的云团。According to the team's calculations, a single axion emitted by a spinning black hole could trigger the emission of more axions to form a cloud orbiting the black hole.

轴子是极其轻微的粒子,既没有电荷也不旋转,因此它几乎不与宇宙间任何周围的物质发生相互作用——当然是说如果这种粒子的确存在的话。The axion is extremely lightweight with neither electric charge nor spin, so it hardly interacts with the universe's surrounding matter — that's if the particle even exists.

在云团被黑洞撕裂时的爆发的重力波辐射中或者粒子从一个轴子云团移动到另一个轴子云团时可能会揭示出轴子的存在。The particles could also reveal their presence in bursts of gravitational waves radiated when their clouds are torn apart around the black hole or when particles move from one axion cloud to another.