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新词语实际指新义位。Neologisms are in fact new sememes.

第二部分名词新词新义的语义阐析。The second is the analysis of the semantic meaning.

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但不可能就只是简简单单地不新词新义和俚俗用法就可以的。But it isn’t an option to simply not include neologisms and slang.

此外,“相因生义”而产生新义的在宿豫方言中亦有用例。Examples that inflecting different meanings creates words can also be found.

刘新义在放大镜里看到的是钻石上附带的GIA证书编号。What Liu Xinyi sees in magnifier is the accessary GIA certificate number on diamond.

这些词的新生义,一是因引申而产生的新义,一是由修辞而产生的新义。These two-syllable words produced new meanings by means of extension and rhetoric devices.

“宅”词新义在中国本土化后,出现了一批宅族词。A series of new words from new" Zhai" are produced in the process of localization in China.

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第三章,着重描写分析新词新义的概貌和产生途径。Chapter III focuses on the profile and the generating ways of the new words and new meanings.

它的词汇系统继承先秦两汉而来,又涌现出一大批新词新义。Its vocabulary system inherits from Qin and Han Dynasties and emerges a lot of new words and new senses.

旧词产生新义是经济原则在语言中的体现,是词汇系统内部自我调整的结果。Neology is the embodiment of economical principle and the outcome of self-adjustment in the lexical system.

词义的发展演变除了以该词的本义或原有义为出发点的引申以外,还可以以其他词的意义为出发点而产生新义。Besides the extension of the original meaning, a word can get new meanings by starting from the meanings of other words.

新时期现代汉语中旧词新义的判定、分类、产生的原因、方式及其发展前景值得探讨。It is worth exploring judgment, classification, cause, method and development prospects of neology in modern Chinese in the new era.

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而当灌入的西潮催化社会嬗蜕之日,这种古老的东西又获得了原本所没有的新义。With the pouring of Western Study trend and changing of traditional society, the old term of gentry's right got its new significance.

旨在通过调查旧词产生新义的事实,并探索其中的规律,以丰富现代汉语词汇学的内容。We want to investigate the facts of "old word with new meaning" and probe the law among them to enrich the context of modern Chinese lexicology.

随着人类社会经济文化的发展,概念会不断扩充与抽象化,于是赋予旧词以新义,继而产生了多义现象。With the development of society, economy and culture, the concept may continuously extend, entrusting an old word with new meanings and hence polysemy.

反义复词是由成对单音反义词组合词化后产生了新义的复合词。Antonymous compound word is the compound word which comes from antonymous phrase. Its structure includes the external structure and the internal structure.

旧形新义词的语义变化或转换的手段包括概念隐喻、概念转喻和概念整合。The cognitive ways of meaning shift or transformation of WOFNMs in network Chinese mainly include conceptual metaphor, conceptual metonymy and conceptual blending.

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并尝试从修辞构建的角度,分析新词新义的一些修辞手法,以这一独特视角探讨新词新义的修辞哲学及其评价体系。The paper then attempts to analyze from this unique perspective some rhetorical devices of neologism, exploring the philosophy of rhetoric therein and its evaluation system.

在两张比较属于直接吉他导向的摇滚专辑后,U2第12张录音室专辑「消失的地平线」猛然改弦易辙,新实验再度赋予乐团新义。After two albums of comparatively straightforward guitar-driven rock, "No Line on the Horizon, " U2's 12th studio album, takes new experimental tangents and redefines the band yet again.

计算机英语的专业术语主要通过旧词新义、新创词、缩略词等途径组成,同时采用了较多的专业词组。Most of technical terms in computer English are formed by giving new meaning to common words, creating new lexis and adopting technical phrases including many initialisms and clipped words.