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因此我将在这门课中请到四名客座讲师And so, I'm going to include four guest lecturers.

他现在是慕迪圣经学院的客座讲师。He is now a guest lecturer of the Moody Bible Institute.

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相反,他们拥有兼任或客座的职位。Instead, they might be in adjunct or visiting positions.

为了凸显战争主题,店外客座区周围都堆满了沙袋。Completing the war motif, sandbags surround the outdoor seating area.

我来介绍一下...,我将安排四位客座嘉宾So let me tell you about-- I have slots now for four outside speakers.

如果是一篇客座博客,更应该多次校对。If it is a guest article or a linkbait piece, proofread it one more time.

同时,他还是伦敦交响乐团的客座指挥。He was also an associate guest conductor of the London Symphony Orchestra.

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在四月三日那天,我正在密芝根州激流城的神学院作客座讲师呢。On April 3, I was guest-lecturing at a seminary in Grand Rapids, Michigan.

现在他已经加入了曼联教练组,并且是天空体育电视台的客座解说。He has now joined the club's coaching group and is a presenter on Sky Sports.

每节课讲述一个课题,由课程讲师或客座讲者讲授。A lecture will be given on each topic by a course instructor or guest speaker.

她的观点颇有洞见,于是我请问她,我能否将该邮件作为客座文章发布。Her note was so insightful that I asked her if I could run it as a Guest Post.

网站有客座撰稿人是一件非常有趣的事,所以我打算邀请更多客座撰稿人。It’s been fun having guest writers on the site, and I’m definitely up for more.

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2007年,他被任命为伦敦大学伯克贝克学院客座法官。In 2007 he was appointed Visiting Judge at Birkbeck College, University of London.

袁澍松先生还是香港理工大学的客座讲师。Also, he spent his spare time guest-lecturing at University of Science and Technology.

苏斯金德近来作为一个致力于改变这种状况的一个创新项目的客座讲师。Susskind was recently a guest lecturer for an innovative project that aims to change that.

突然,他低头瞥见在客座下露出半截高跟鞋。Suddenly he looked down and spotted a high-heeled shoe half hidden under the passenger seat.

扎西作为导师从该研究所毕业,至今还作为客座导师时不时去教课。Tashi graduated from HMI as an instructor and still sometimes takes courses there as a guest Instructor.

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这篇文章是克里斯蒂安•阿诺就为什么学习另一种外语应排在任务清单首位这一话题而作的客座文章。This is a guest post from Christian Arno on why learning second language should be top of your to-do list.

加拿大工业能源数据分析中心客座研究员。He is also a non-resident research fellow at the Canadian Industrial Energy End-use Data and Analysis Centre.

钟培宁在2007年至2008年在上海同济大学规划系担任客座设计教师。Annie also taught as a guest tutor in the Urban Planning Faculty at the Tongji University in Shanghai in 2007 to 2008.