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从我把心呈献给主开始,我事主越恒久。Since I gave my heart to Jesus, The longer I serve Him.

我们一定会以高性能的纤维产品,尽善的服务呈献给大家。We can present to you high-powered fibres and perfect service.

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他将胡桃呈献给公主吃,于是公主恢复了美丽。He offers it to the princess to eat, and her beauty is restored.

将我们的隐私呈献给市场营销者有何意义?What of concerns that we are sacrificing our privacy to marketers?

伦敦格调,上海风情,惟有国丰呈献。London Sophistication, Shanghai Style, Exclusively Created by Guoman.

由槟城文开小学学生呈献的二十四节令鼓。A 24 bit drum performance by primary school student of Wen Kai, Penang.

丰富多样的西饼糕点将在日后为您陆续呈献,敬请继续关注。Please keep up with the notices for more cakes cooking classes later on.

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兰蔻倾情呈献全新绝对完美彩妆锦盒——富格调而完备的全新彩妆锦盒。Lancôme creates Absolu Voyage, the new stylish all-in-one makeup palette.

人的价值,不在生存的年限的长短,而在呈献的大老。Our value depends not on how long we live, but on how much we contribute.

两个摄影师将会呈献李刚和周军的最新力作。Two Photographers will showcase the recent works of Li Gang and Zhou Jun.

丰富多样的点心西饼将在日后为您陆续呈献,敬请继续关注。Please keep up with the notices for the coming cakes and pastries later on.

呈献给您的也将是最领先最优越的设备。We are specialized in manufacturing the converting equipment of fabric coatings.

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如此热诚呈献的祷词将提升你挚爱之灵。Such a petition, fervently presented, will elevate the spirit of all your devotions.

作为一个律师,我要想对今天下午所呈献给各位的案例做一个结论。Let me, like the lawyer that I am, sum up the case I've tried to present this afternoon.

美国运通信用金卡现为您呈献更多专有权益!The american express gold credit card now offers you more ! with the membership rewards.

丰富多样的西饼糕点将在日后为您陆续呈献,敬请继续关注。Different kinds of cakes will be provided in DIY courses later, please keep attention to it.

市长大人在女王访问时把城市之剑呈献给女王,1837年。Satirical view of the Lord Mayor presenting the City Sword to Victoria on her visit in 1837.

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1660年,英国查尔斯二世继承王位时,大臣们呈献一艘狩猎船,名为游艇。In 1660 when the second charles be the monarch , the officials sent a hunting ship named yacht.

欢迎,市民们。我以最高的荣幸和最大的喜悦为你们呈献,凯恩。Good welcome, citizens. It is with the highest honor and the greatest joy that I bring you, Kane.

“奉献”原指恭敬地交付、呈献,即不求回报地付出。The original meaning of dedication is to respectfully give or submit without asking for a reward.