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自然与人文相映,湖光与山色齐名!Natural and human form, scenery of lake and mountain combine!

细观其与日相映,则知其明处乃一面,暗处又一面。One side may be facing the sun and is bright, while the other is dark.

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实德斯柏丽标志设计以亚洲灰和实德红相映生辉。Logo design of Sparlee used the Asian color gray and red color from Shide.

雪山、冰川与针叶林、白桦树相映,如诗如画。Snow mountain, glacier, conifers, white birch set each other off its beauty.

他指出,投资经理会让投资组合与指数相映。He notes that investment managers assemble portfolios that mirror the indexes.

两碑高达五米,与大殿铜顶上下相映,宏伟壮观。Monument up to two meters, matched with the main hall under the copper top, magnificent.

心心相映,相偎相依,一起走过的岁月简单而真实。Xinxin form a contrast, Xiang Wei rely on each other through their years of simple and true.

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这里腹地坦阔,草绿如茵,林泉相映,环境幽美。Tanzanian hinterland here in width, grass green grass, Linquan matched, the environment beautiful.

水景、石景、小品等景观动静结合,虚实相映,充分体现现代园林精髓和休闲运动的主题特征。The scenery of water, stone and sketch fully presents the modern garden and leisure sports' style.

四十年,利比亚,权柄曾在手,两幅图,卡扎菲,首尾交相映。TWO images serve as bookends to the four-decades-old rule of Libya’s ruler, Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi.

姜饼屋融合了法兰西风格和维多利亚建筑风格与海地加勒比海环境相映成彰。Gingerbread houses are adaptations of French and Victorian architectural styles to Haiti's Caribbean milieu.

诸如圣内德利亚钟楼这样色彩斑斓的地标性建筑,与野兽派风格的中心邮局相映争辉。Colorful landmarks like St Nedelya's bell tower contrast against Brutalist creations like the central post office.

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有的时候你们俩没能好好沟通,因此似乎没有那么心心相映了。There will be periods when the two of you are not communicating well and don’t seem to be connecting with each other.

洱海海面尘埃较少,空气清新,使得水天相映,月光更加明亮。Second, Erhai sea level dust less, air fresh, causes the water and sky to serve as contrast, the moonlight is brighter.

生产发展、生活富裕、生态良好与社会治安相辅相成、相映相成、相反相成。Social order is both complementary and opposite to production development, better-off lives and sound ecological effects.

与百岁宫相映生辉的是新建的五百罗汉堂。它的兴建,为九华山增添了一处独特的新景观。Xiangying Shenghui Palace with 100 of the 500 arhats are new court, its construction, 9 Huashan added a unique new landscape.

这三种特征要相联相映,形成一道光辉的彩虹,彰显神,并为神作见证。These three characteristics will combine and reflect one another to form a bright rainbow expressing God and testifying for Him.

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酒店园林环境优美,即体现江南园林风格,又与欧式广场、星光吧、交辉相映。Hotel gardens beautiful environment, which reflects the southern style, and the Continental Plaza, Star bar, Gateway form a contrast.

惟其如此,现代与传统才能各安其位,交往互动,相映生辉,表现为思想对同一世界的不同对待。Only in this way can tradition and modernity find their proper positions, maintain a fruitful interchange, two approaches to one world.

去年今日此门中,人面焰火相映红,焰火今日又升起,人面依旧笑春风。Today, this door last year, the human face matched the red fireworks, fireworks today and rising, people are still laughing face spring.