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如果我不在,你把我当成风。I love you Molly. I always have.

这是个腐败成风的国家。It is a country where corruption is rife.

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节约成风。Thrift has become the prevailing practice.

大运动量增氧舞蹈乃是随着慢跑成风的时尚附带产生的。Aerobic dancing piggybacked on the jogging craze.

那个国家里仍然贪污成风。Corruption is still running rife in that country.

住在好客成风的地方是很愉快的。It is pleasant to live in a locality where hospitality pervades.

关于这个公告的猜测成风,包括以下几种可能性Speculation has been rife over the announcement. The possibilities include

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没想到这种格子图案的大衣会靡然成风。It is a big surprise that this kind of checked overcoat has become a trend.

我也多希望自己能变成云、变成花、化成风、化成蝶啊!How I wish that I could become a butterfly, Fluttering after Your footsteps.

在一个趋向两极化和诋毁成风的年代,这似乎是一个高不可攀的志向。In an age of polarization and vilification this may seem a lofty aspiration.

这种违法成风的风气让人感到不安的是其极强的传播性。The disturbance about the law-breaking spirit is its extreme infectiousness.

任人唯亲和贿赂成风已经败坏了先前以纪律严明著称的部队的素质。Nepotism and bribery had rotted the moral fiber of units once famous for their discipline.

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用热成风适应物理过程来解释这种天气区分布的原因。This distributions of weather can be explained by the adjustment physical process of thermal wind.

我两年前就离婚了,因为我丈夫的无理举动和酗酒成风。I got divorced two years ago on the grounds of my husband's unreasonable behaviour and his drinking.

一旦整形外科到了西部狂野的牛仔外形已经成风的时候,我们就必须制止他们了。At the moment we have a Wild West, cowboy style system of plastic surgery for young women and this must stop.

而顾客们都追捧其品牌的瑜珈服成风,把最流行的裤装或上衣穿到瑜伽教室里,慢慢地,越来越多的人穿着它到超市或出外参加晚宴。Customers are snapping up its trendy pants and tops to wear to class and , increasingly, to the supermarket or out to dinner.

赌博成风和由教会发起的袖彩义卖已成了一个刺手的问题,现在每一个有关的人都在寻找某种可行的解决办法。Bingo parties and church raffles have developed indo such a hot potato that everyone concerned now is seeking some easy solution.

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在这个贷款买车成风的城市里,龚海燕却不赞成提前消费。In the town that buys car become the order of the day in this loan, gong Haiyan is deprecatory however consume ahead of schedule.

随后又犯下了相反的错误,当俄国愈加强硬并且劫掠成风时,他们太过信赖而又过分慷慨。Then it made the opposite mistake, being too trusting and generous when Russia was becoming more hawkish and looting was endemic.

很多中国体育分析家和学者指出中国足协内腐败成风是根源所在。Many Chinese sports analysts and scholars point to endemic corruption within the association as one root cause of the sport's ills.