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这种轰隆隆的声音震天动地,我们觉得房子的地基都在颤抖。We feel the foundations shaking.

所以建房子的人就采用松木作为地基。So they used pinewood as the foundation.

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地面被挖空作为地基。The ground was excavated for a foundation.

你能建一座没有地基的房子吗?Can you build a house without a foundation?

你可以想象建在地基上的房子。Think of a house settling on its foundation.

为此,提出了一种改进的双参数层状地基模型。A new two-parameter layer model is presented.

地基或舰基装备可构成更大的威力。Ground- or ship-based kit can draw more power.

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他把桩深深打进地基下的土中。He embedded the pilings deep into the subsoil.

该建筑的地基已下沉了。The foundations of the building have subsided.

建筑工人浇注了坚实的水泥地基。The builders poured a solid foundation of cement.

“德克森中心挖地基的时候发现的,”他说。“Found down in the Dirksen excavation, ” he says.

警署北面盖建的新翼大楼正进行地基工程。Foundation works for the new annex have commenced.

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在地基中开洞,以便排水。Make holes through the base to allow for drainage.

建房前要先把地基垫平。The site must be levelled before it is built upon.

有人喊着,“地基要塌了。”Someone shouted. “The foundation is falling apart.”

出一块半英亩的地皮来作房屋地基。They measured off a half-acre plot for a house lot.

把中殿分开的圆柱是建置于两个地基上。The pillars which divided the naves rested on two bases.

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灰泥、磁砖、砖头或地基新出现的裂缝。New cracks appear in plaster, tile, brick, or foundations.

软粘土地基变形的重要特性之一,是其具有粘滞性。Viscosity is one of the important characters of soft clay.

你至少需要在150毫米高的地基上挖一条地沟。You need a trench for the foundations at least 150mm high.