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宛若朔风冲着云雾。As the north wind to the clouds.

朔风在我们小屋周围怒号。The north wind howled around our cabin.

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独立寒冬,朔风萧瑟,寂寞星空。Independentwinter, north wind blows, lonely Star.

既然一个民族都不忍听闻,它们也就消失在朔风之中。Since a nation can not bear to hear, they will disappear in the boreas.

仰面看那草屋时,四下里崩坏了,又被朔风吹撼,摇振得动。He looked around the hut and saw parts of it had been blown out by the wind.

既然一个民族都不忍听闻,它们也就消失在朔风之中。Since a nation even couldn't bear to hear them, they naturally died out in the boreas.

鲁道夫慢慢朝商店走去,虽然天气阴冷,朔风刺骨,他却让大衣敝着。Rudolph walked slowly back toward the store, leaving his coat open, although the wind was keen and the day raw.

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朔风扫过,白雪围困了人们丰收农忙之后的痕迹——它抚平了山脊,淹没了院内的车辙和轮齿,让杂物都无影无踪。The wind sweeps snow into the scars of our harvest-time haste, smoothing the brow of hill, hiding furrow and cog and trash in the yard.

舍虽鄙陋不堪,屋顶晃动,朔风穿堂,暴雪可进,雨水可进,然英王不可进!It may be frail—its roof may shake—the wind may blow through it—the storm may enter—the rain may enter—but the King of England cannot enter!

故乡柳荫下的诀别,将军圆睁的怒目,猎猎于朔风中的军旗。Bidding farewell under a willow tree at hometown , a general who was blustering himself into anger , the stand of colors flying against the north wind.