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眼泪涌到她的眼眶里。Tears sprang to her eyes.

泪水在她眼眶里闪烁。Tears shimmered in her eyes.

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泪水涌上她的眼眶。Tears welled up in her eyes.

她的眼眶里蕴含着一股伤心的泪水。She is woeful, tears in eyes.

眼眶颜色黑,呈卵形。Rims are black, oval in shape.

他在斗殴时被打得眼眶发青。He got a black eye in the fight.

她的眼眶里饱含着幸福的热泪。Her eyes filled with tears of joy.

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他打架之后,眼眶被打成青黑色。He had a black eye after the fight.

两个眼眶,都围着一圈黑线。His two eye orbits were dark black.

我觉得泪水就在眼眶里打转。I feel the tears burn behind my eyes.

十一娘眼眶突然湿润起来。Niang eye sockets are suddenly moist.

她的眼眶里蕴含着一股伤心的泪水。Tears of sadness well up in her eyes.

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男孩打架之后,眼眶被打成青黑色。The boy had black eye after the fight.

他用那一猛拳把她的眼眶打得发青。He blacked her eye with that one punch.

男孩打架之后,眼眶被打成青黑色。The boy had a black eye after the fight.

从眼眶里抠出来的那眼珠。Those Eyeballs from their Sockets wrung.

他朝她脸上就是一拳,打得她眼眶都青了。He punched her in the face, giving her a black eye.

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在那能把我眼睛吹得凹进眼眶的劲风中Through the brunt wind that dented the balls of my eyes

它也是头颅高高隆起,眼眶深陷,背脊缩着。It is also head high uplift, and in the eyes, carefully.

眼神空眼眶红、就用烟熏妆盖过。Empty eyes look red, it is overwhelmed with smoky makeup.