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文言梦幻小说是明清小说的重要组成部分。The classical dreamlike novel is an important part of the Ming and Qing novels.

话本小说叙事主要靠讲述,文言小说主要靠展示。Text stroy depends mainly on narration, and story in classical Chinese depends on display.

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第二章分析和探讨中国古代文言叙事作品中的“动物虎”。The second chapter analyzes and discusses tigers in tiger stories in ancient China as an animal.

小说续书的研究范围应当涵盖文言和白话小说两大系列。The scope of the sequel study should include writings in classical Chinese and vernacular as well.

本文即从这一角度入手,以高中文言教学为主探讨这一课题。This essay mainly discusses the classical Chinese teaching in senior high school from this aspect.

运用据境索义的前提是必须具备文言词语的基本知识。The precondition to make use of the context is the mastery of the basic knowledge of classical Chinese.

唐代是我国文言小说的成熟期,唐传奇这种新文体的正式形成,引人注目。In Tang Dynasty novels in ancient Chinese became mature, and as a new style legends drew much attention.

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明代出现的一些羼入大量韵文的文言小说被孙楷第先生命名为“诗文小说”。There were many verse classical Chinese novels in the Ming Dynasty, which were named verse novels by Mr.

白话在翻译文学中升帐挂帅,但并不意味着绝对摒弃文言。The vernacular began to dominate in translated literature but classical Chinese was not discarded completely.

具体表现在吸收文言及其叙事传统中有益的东西两方面。The New Jottings have absorbed the virtues both from the classical Chinese and from its traditional narration.

文言小说将社会功能和文学艺术高度融合,具有丰富的教育价值和审美价值。Ancient Chinese prost combines social function with literature art, containing great value both on education and art.

凡以杭州为故事展开场景的古代通俗小说和文言小说都可称作杭州小说。Hangzhou fiction includes colloquial and classical Chinese fiction that takes Hangzhou as the background of the stories.

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辞例所构成的语境是一种特殊的上下文语境,利用辞例可以准确训释某些文言词语。The context constituting the lexical meaning is the typical context which can be used to determine the accurate meaning.

从笔墨到水墨,刘国松将充满老庄道学观的“文言”笔墨解构为“白话”水墨。Liu deconstructed classical Chinese "brush and ink" that was full of the Daoism doctrine to plain Chinese "ink painting".

唐传奇是我国古代文言小说发展史上的第一个高峰,具有独特的风格体貌。The legend of the Tang Dynasty are the first peak of the development of the classic novels in the ancient times in China.

道光以后,文言梦幻小说逐渐落潮,直至完全终结,退出历史舞台。After Daoguang, the ancient dreamlike novel gradually ebb tide, untilwithdraws from the historical wu-si period completely.

从叙事结构看,话本小说主要以情节为结构中心,文言小说主要以人物为结构中心。In terms of narrative structure, the former depends mainly on the plot, and the latter considers the characters as the center.

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要使学生具备这一基本能力,就必须加强文言词汇的积累、掌握和运用。To cultivate this ability, we must accumulate the vocabulary of classical Chinese, and master them and try to use them freely.

唐传奇作家对爱情题材的偏嗜,成为唐人小说乃至中国古典文言小说的一大特点。The Tang writers' special fondness for love is one of characteristics of Tang' s novels, even Chinese Ancient classical novels.

“诗文小说”这种形式的出现与文言小说的内部发展有关,也与一定的审美接受心理有关。This form was linked to the internal development of the classical Chinese novels and also to the aesthetic accepted psychology.