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那如何去推销保险呢?How to promote insurance?

我要去上门推销。I'm going on sales calls.

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她到处推销文具用品。She travels in stationery.

他到各地推销棉织品。He travels in cotton goods.

我在汽车公司作推销。Ich verkaufe in einer Firma.

我们无时不在推销。We are selling all the time.

我们正在用电话推销化妆品。We are telemarketing cosmetics.

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如何使用AIDA推销你自己呢How to Promote Yourself Using AIDA

你熟悉推销工作吗?Are you familiar with salesmanship?

马克吐温知道怎么推销自己的书。Mark Twain knew how to sell a book.

那么如何推销更为开放的贸易呢?So how do you sell more open trade?

我发现我我搞不了推销。I find salesmanship beyond my reach.

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你是准备推销产品还是服务?Are you selling a product or service?

她的推销术是一流的。Her sales presentation was top-notch.

我知道,在自我推销方面自己很弱。I know I am weak at promoting myself.

这家公司推销多种产品。The firm markets many types of goods.

你不想推销自己的书You don't want to sell your own book.

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这家公司为推销产品而做广告。The company advertised goods for sale.

推销员缠着他们推销货物。The salesman stormed them with offers.

我发现推销是我不能做到的。I find salesmanship is beyond my reach.