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你每天都想开一次碰头会。You want to have a status meeting every day?

协议规定,双方每月要开两次碰头会。The agreement provides that the two sides shall meet twice a month.

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如果没有异议,我们是否能定下来,每天开一小时碰头会?If there's no objection,shall we say we'll meet every day for an hour?

她第一个问题是“‘预先碰头会’到底是什么意思?”Her first question was “What exactly does the phrase ‘pre-meeting meeting’ mean?”

我们能否能定上去,每天开一小时碰头会?If there's no objection. sheveryone we say we'll meet every day for a single hour?

假如没有异议,咱们也许能定下来,每一天开一小时碰头会?If tITe's no objection, shwhichle we shout we'll meet eVery abundance day to an hwe?

他们每天上班的头一项工作,就是要举行碰头会。The first thing they did when they started work every day was to have a brief meeting.

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在首次“集成碰头会”上,架构师们将分别阐述各自的“战略SOA策略”。At their "Integration Kick-Off" meeting, both enterprises present their "strategic SOA policies".

演出正式开始前,演员们和工作人员开了个碰头会,以确保万无一失。Before the formal performance, performers and staff held a brief meeting to ensure everything was OK.

有时,进行更多开发碰头会也许就够了,这至少在减少会议时间上非常有用。Sometimes, more Dev Huddles might suffice, which worked out really well in atleast cutting short the meeting durations.

在自由搏击比赛前,参赛选手和教练都要出席官方称体重仪式和赛前碰头会。Before a kickboxing Bout, all trainers and fighters must be present at Both the official weigh-ins and the pre-fight meeting.

可以考虑建立一种常规化的工作方式,比如,一周开一次碰头会或者电话会议。Work with them to arrange some means for touching base on a routine basis -- say, through a once-a-week meeting or conference call.

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为此他们不知道内部开了多少个碰头会,研究相关政策,寻找一些应急措施。For this they do not know interior attended a meeting how many meet and discuss, study relevant policy, seek measure of a few lash-up.

大部分公司,一旦面试完成,招聘经理就会与参加最后一轮面试的同事开碰头会,了解他们认为谁应该获得这份工作。At most firms, once interviews are done, hiring managers will convene with colleagues who met the finalists to get their opinions on who should get an offer.

本文从界定议事范围、建立目标责任制、定期召开“一把手”碰头会等方面进行了探讨。This paper explores various aspects such as limiting the range of subjects, setting up system of objective responsibility, summoning heads meeting regularly, etc.

当所有系统完成准备工作后,探月工程的领导小组会在周五召开一个碰头会并宣布工程进入了新阶段。With all systems go, the leading team for the Moon exploration project gathered a mobilization meeting on Friday and announced the project had entered a new stage.

成立了以陈德铭部长为组长的商务部“抗灾救灾工作领导小组”,下设8个工作组,每天召开碰头会,实行24小时值班。MOFCOM established a Leading Working Group on Disaster Relief headed by Minister Chen Deming, which consists of 8 sub-working groups with a daily meeting and 24-hour duty system.