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鸡足山木香坪的主人是谁?Who is the master of Jizulotus mountain?

关于川木香属的界限问题。On circumscription of the genus Dolomiaea DC.

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拥有馥郁的李子、浆果香及淡淡的清新木香。Has a fragrance of plums, berries and a touch of fresh woody incense.

方法采用薄层色谱法对处方中木香和肉桂进行鉴别。Methods Radix Aucklandiae and Cortex Cinnamomi were identified by TLC.

西番莲果,醋栗口味,并略带稀薄的草木香口感。Unfolds with flavors of passion fruit, gooseberry and subtle herbaceousness.

经典的加本内葡萄酒风格。拥有馥郁的李子、浆果香及淡淡的清新木香。Classic Cabernet style. Intense aromas of plums and cherries, with hints of new wood.

目的建立木香饮片挥发油指纹图谱。Objective To establish the fingerprints for the volatile oil of Aucklandia lappa Decne.

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淡淡的烘烤香及潜在的香氛依稀可辨,回味绵长,蕴含精致的木香及深色水果果酱的清香。The finish is remarkable for its length, marked by a refined touch of wood and jammy black fruit.

酒味浓郁处处散发着各种典型特性,有着突出的香蕉香味,及余味略带木香。A full-bodied accessible wine with a prominent banana fruitiness backed by a hint of wood flavours.

清新辛香木香调香氛,演绎纯净现代的永恒魅力。淡香水喷雾。A fresh, spicy and woody fragrance. A pure and modern universe Eau de Toilette Natural Spray, 75 ml.

香型涵盖了花香、果香、木香、草香、动物香等各大类,尤以复合香型见长。The styles include flowers, fruits, woody plants, herbs and animals, especially the compounded styles.

美丽深邃的红宝石色,红色果实和凤仙花香,单宁柔和而强劲,带有优雅木香。Ruby color, aroma of red fruit and a hint of balsam, an attack and mid-palate of tannins, woody elegance.

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深沉的金黄色酒体散发出成熟水果与精致的木香,酒质丰满,回味悠长。Dark gold in color. Aromas and flavors of well-ripened fruit and fine wood. Full bodied with a long finish.

木香黑胡椒,有骨无肉之半成品,香水海中无关大局无足轻重之一星浮沫。Black pepper & woods, a gaunt, fleshless wood scent that feels like sth unfinished. A forgettable insignificance.

方法采用TLC对本处方中的三七和木香进行鉴别。Methods The TLC method was used to distinguish the Radix Notoginseng and the Radix Aucklandiae in this prescription.

诱人的果香与一丝木香及些许甘草、胡椒、蜂蜡、黑巧克力的芬芳交织融合。This bouquet combines fruity aromas and a touch of wood, with hints of liquorice, pepper, beeswax and dark chocolate.

白木香果皮提取物对人乳腺癌细胞的增殖具有显著的抑制作用。The chloroform extract from peel of A. sinensis significantly inhibited the proliferation of human breast cancer cells.

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宝石般的深红色泽,此酒蕴含复杂而浓郁的樱桃、黑醋栗与些许淡雅的木香。Dark ruby-garnet in col , the wine has an intense, complex bouquet packed with cherry cassis, an undertone of wood spices.

目的对清清颗粒中干姜和木香中挥发油混合物包合工艺进行研究。Objective To study the inclusion process for essential oil of Rhizoma Zingiberis and Radix Aucklandiae in Qingging Granules.

轻盈举起杯脚﹐一小口一小口地抿著半杯的红酒﹐品尝那挤压过﹐发酵酝酿过﹐浓缩带有栎木香的葡萄汁。Graciously raised a half full glass, and sipping from it the pressed, fermented, and concentrated grape juice with old oak flavor.